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Ep 45: A2P Registration Update

September 01, 202338 min read

We’ve had many people request a refresher on the basics of how to use Pipeline Funnels to organize and grow your business, so today Kristyn’s joining us to talk about How to sell Slenderiiz with text messaging and automation!


Kristyn: And get approved.

Kristyn: Then we, you know we had the documentation for that but as they started approving accounts, they kind of... and when I say they, it's like this, I don't remember their official name, but it's the company that's in charge of all of the compliance here. It's not us.

Kristyn: It's not twilio that provides us with the texting service. It's another company that was put together by all of the cell phone service providers. They're ultimately in charge of reviewing every single one of these applications that gets sent in anyway, along the way. They also made some adjustments and changes based on what they were accepting. And what I've what I've noticed is, and it's it's crazy to me is some people that applied way back in July are approved. Some people that appro that applied back in July got approved, and then somewhere along the way they were rejected.

Kristyn: And there's people that applied 2 days ago and already approved. And there's people that applied 4 weeks ago and are still waiting to be approved. So it's kind of like a little moving target. And the most critical thing, of course, is we want to make sure that you get approved. Where Nick and I are working on some really cool things that we're excited to roll out that have to do with texting. It's really going to be a game changer for you and just lead generation concepts

Kristyn: super easy, simple things you can do to just get leads into your pipeline. But you've gotta be able to text people. So because the date pat the deadline passed yesterday. I was thinking, oh, I bet you know they're gonna let us squeak by, but they are not. I tried sending out as some text messages this morning from an account that I not. It's like our our testing account.

Kristyn: and I thought that I could squeak by, because that one I didn't even bother to get approved, and it won't send out my text messages. So

Kristyn: My first thing that I want to do is if you can. Right now I suggest you pop into your pipeline funnels account.

Kristyn: and look and see what your status is.

Kristyn: look and see if you've got any red tags that say failed or rejected if you do, and now would be a great time while we're on this call to

Kristyn: work through those things, and I can help you with that. So if you're able to take a look and see

Kristyn: we can have this be kind of a working, a working session.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: My mindset is in progress.

Kristyn: And it's been that way for weeks. Yeah. So basically, what happens with that? Doug is the if we send it through the first time.

Kristyn: and I think the first time it goes through an approval process. It's an automated thing. They've got computers that are checking to make sure we've got the right things in the right places. So if it if you get rejected and we have to go back and resubmit it. Now it goes through

Kristyn: a manual approval process which could take several weeks. So if you're still in progress.

Kristyn: my suggestion would be to just keep checking that every couple of days.

Kristyn: and if

Kristyn: if you get the blue tag that says verified, you can celebrate. If you get the red tag that says failed.

Kristyn: Then please let me know right away. One thing that's nice is now now at least there, after several months of all of this.

Kristyn: if we? If we get a failed message, they're at least telling us why it failed in the beginning. Nobody knew why they were failing, so they didn't know what to fix but they they've done a good job of improving on that. So if you happen to, if if you're in progress right now, and it goes and it changes to failed. Then just let me know, and I will help you get that resubmitted

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: cell phone number

Kristyn: cause we're trying to approve my my twilio number. Yes, yes. So your twilio number is the same thing as your pipeline funnels. Number.

Kristyn: This does not affect your personal cell phone in any way.

Kristyn: It's just your twilio phone number, your pipeline funnels phone number.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Well, you know.

Kristyn: that's what I thought. But I wasn't sure.

Kristyn: Yeah, your your your personal cell phone is come, is, is not part of this

Kristyn: this thing at all.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Yes.

Nick D: yeah, that's that's actually an interesting thing to to talk about because Kristyn and I. And and, by the way, if you guys want us to pull up your account and take a look at it.

Nick D: there's only 9 of us here on the call. So we're happy to do so.

Nick D: especially while while Kristyn's here. Gloria, you want us to take a look at yours.

Nick D: Okay, Kristyn, I was gonna show a couple of quick things on my side real quick, and if you wanna pull up Gloria's account on your end and share just in a second.

Kristyn: Now, did you want me? Do you want me to share it, or my screen.

Nick D: as far as

Nick D: you know how this works or or the the updates that Kristyn mentioned. This is a little bit of a moving target. And so the best thing we've got here is I'm gonna share my screen here. So this is our support site. You guys might have seen it This is where we're putting all of our like, how to articles for everything. And if I just come here to the various little search bar at the top, and I type in a 2 P. And I hit enter.

Nick D: It's gonna pull up all the articles that we have on a 2 P. There's a couple of em, and the one that I wanted to show you. Here is just this top one here, a 2 P campaign submission and approval instructions. So

Nick D: if you're watching this live, or if you guys are watching the recording.

Nick D: come here, click on this and the article, Kristyn's done a great job of recording a couple of videos to kinda

Nick D: tell you what this is, why it's happening give you some background on it. And then I'm gonna skip down past these videos here because what we really need is under

Nick D: Part 3, where it says we're going to download the instructions here. So Jake, from our support team put together a Doc, and it is a living document. So if I click on it, it's actually a Google doc.

Nick D: And so whenever Jake makes updates to it, you'll see those updates. And so, for example, I wanna just highlight a couple of things that are different.

Nick D: Okay? So if I go down here and you'll notice there's kind of like 2 categories. Right? There's the ein number. So that's if you've if you set up a ein number with the government. So like, if you're gonna be an Llc. Or a

Nick D: a corporation for your business. Typically, you'll have to get an ein number you don't have to do this for like a sole proprietor. So

Nick D: some people do, you know, anyway? So if you have any, I end number, you can follow this process if you don't just wanna use your social security number. Well, then, that's the second one down here. But what I wanted to show you on both of these when we get down here if I'm just clicking like this step. 6 at the bottom. Actually,

Nick D: What am I looking for?

Nick D: What a scroll! Scroll! Scroll! Here we go. Sorry it was. Step 7.

Nick D: Some of the like silly little nuances that have changed are. We've got

Nick D: some generic text that we put in the application right? And so, for example, Hi, first name, this is team member, name from company name. Okay? So

Nick D: you might be thinking I need to go, put in my actual first name here, and you know I don't know what my team member name is

Nick D: turns out you you don't. You can leave those little placeholders in there. But the one placeholder we can't leave in there anymore is the company name. So what we did is we just color coded all that in red to try to make it super easy for everybody.

Nick D: Come here and I just change. You know the obviously your company name would be whatever you're filing. As so if if you do have an Llc. Or a corporation, that's the official business name, if you're just doing this as a sole proprietor, which that's what I've done. I think it's easier that way this has nothing to do with your taxes. By the way, so it's not like it has to match your

Nick D: you know. If if you're if you're an Llc, you can still file this phone number thing as a sole prop.

Nick D: it's just

Nick D: However, you wanna submit to this third party company that that Christian mentioned. Okay, so anyway, little things like this that are now in red. Some of the stuff that we filled in has

Nick D: been changed a little bit in, for example. we did not use to put a company website in there 2 months ago, back in July.

Nick D: Okay? But now they wanna see an actual website. And so we're suggesting people just put the link right here where I've highlighted. Put the link to your

Nick D: link tree page, and that works just fine.

Kristyn: Those were just a couple of changes that I had noticed here in the Google Doc. Kristyn, is there anything else on this? Yeah. Just one other quick thing that kind of changed over the just in the last couple of weeks is.

Kristyn: And and this is really makes it better for us as network marketers, because they don't. We don't even need to. If you're if you're going to go the hard route of filing with your ein and like file as an Llc. Or you know, a a business.

Kristyn: you can do that, but like that's really only needed for businesses that are sending out, say, 5,000 text messages a day.

Kristyn: So, regardless of how you've got your company set up, even if you have an Ll. Fee, I would say, still, just do sole proprietor. But what's nice about all of this now is.

Kristyn: and and I need to change the videos on this instruction sheet that Nick is showing us. Because.

Kristyn: now, if you're going this easy route of sole proprietor. You don't even have to submit the business profile, which means they don't even need a social security number now.

Kristyn: We still fill it out because there's data that we pull, and I'll I can show you this in a minute. There's data that we pull from the business profile inside of your pipeline funnels account, but we don't have to do the section that asks for

Kristyn: you know, like what type of company you have. And do you have a social security number. None of that is even required. If you're filing, if you're submitting as a sole proprietor, all we do is fill out the A. 2 P. Brand, campaign and registration part. And that's it. So it's

Kristyn: it's faster now and easier than it was before.

Nick D: Oh, that's awesome. I didn't even realize that. So I'm I'm glad enough to put in

Kristyn: social security anymore. That's good. Yeah. I know me too

Nick D: cool. Alright. So I'm gonna kill my screen share on my side. Kristyn. It looks like gloria asked us to look at it and holly as well.

Nick D: So if you want to share screen and just kind of walk through any of that feel free while she's while she's doing that, Kristyn. Can I talk just a minute about some of the text to text to lead stuff that we're working on.

Kristyn: Sure, absolutely. So

Nick D: what we're what we're noticing. And and one reason why this is so important is that you know a lot of folks within partner, Co.

Nick D: especially if you're doing the slenderized stuff.

Nick D: are you posting on social media and

Nick D: asking people to leave a comment, or, you know, get back to me in the Dms. And then you're you're sending a text message to them, or maybe just doing it all through Facebook messenger to basically, you know, get them the information and then figure out how you're gonna receive payment for the

Nick D: for the drops, and you're dropping it in the mail and all that kind of stuff.

Nick D: And if you're doing that, it definitely works, we're seeing A lot of folks have success with that. Kristyn talked to a lady yesterday who, I think she sold over a hundred boxes of slender eye drops. Which is amazing, right?

Nick D: that brings some challenges of its own with us. Right? So all of that, back and forth messaging. And it's not always the first message that they that they buy right? Sometimes we need 2 or 3 messages. I gotta send them a testimonial. Give them a little bit of info. Send them a link. You know how to how to.

Nick D: you know, secure payment and all that kind of stuff. There's a lot of back and forth, and there's a lot of like record keeping or bookkeeping. That kind of goes along with all of this, and those are some things that pipeline funnels is really strong in.

Nick D: For example, I'm seeing some people teams that are doing like a 4 day sequence

Nick D: right? And you might see some of this like in the board. Zap, for example, too, where you know they've got some templates that are already pre written ready to go. That's great. But you have to go in there you have to copy and paste it, and then put it into an individual text message. You have to do all that individually yourself. So a. And then, if there's a day, one message that you gotta remember on day 2 to send the day 2. Message day, 3 day, 4, and all that. And then what if they don't order

Nick D: after those 4 days? Right then? What? Well, gosh! Best practices would say. We still want to stay in touch with them. It would be nice if I could send them an update, you know, every couple weeks with just maybe just give them a little story or a little bit of information. Or maybe, you know, I wrote an an article on my blog, and I want to send them an article about

Nick D: one of the ingredients in slender eyes or something like that, right?

Nick D: And then I wanna send that out to all of my leads who haven't bought yet. So it's

Nick D: an easy thing to do with the Board's app. You can do it one on one, but as your business grows and you want to be able to kind of do this at scale and work with more than just a handful O leads, especially if you've sold a hundred boxes right? You're you're starving for some kind of a system that can help make this easier for you.

Nick D: And so with pipeline funnels, some of you guys know, I mean, we can pre-program a lot of this stuff. We can preset a lot of this stuff we can take. You know, what's working today best practices and put that in place for you so that you don't have to be thinking about. Okay, who do? I need the text today? Right? It's just they they get into your workflow. They get into your sequence. And a lot of this stuff starts to happen automatically. Now, you guys have probably heard me talk about this for a couple of years. Now, my focus, though, was trying to get people to a funnel.

Nick D: And what I'm realing is realizing is, you know, some people love funnels, and some people don't even bother with em

Nick D: and what I'm saying here is you don't have to bother with funnels if you'd rather just text people, and that's easier. Funnels are too complex or too complicated. That's totally fine. We do have an invoicing feature which we'll be talking about in the probably next week or the week after, where you can send somebody an invoice from your phone

Nick D: boom. It's built in super easy. They can pay it right there from their phone and you get the money right away, and then you get a nice accounting and your

Nick D: in your pipeline funnels account. All the emails are preset. They go or excuse me, not emails, but text messages, rather. that goes out all automatically for you on your own. So this is actually a really amazing way that we can scale our businesses using like what folks are doing today with the slender eyes system of growth. So I'm pretty excited to just get that all launched. It's super simple in terms of you know. We don't need a whole bunch of crazy technical stuff set up. It's already ready to go.

Nick D: All you gotta do is drop somebody in there and hit the go button. And the rest of it kinda happens automatically. And so that's really why we're focused so heavily today. Like, let's get this A 2 P stuff done for everybody so that you have, you know, can freely send and receive the text messages. So that's all. Just I'm just wanna tease out why we're doing this. What's coming. And I'm I'm pretty excited about. We're getting ready to roll out for you guys.

Kristyn: Alright, I'll shut up now, Kristyn over to you all right. So I'm logged into Gloria's account and I clicked on. If you want to follow along so you can see where you're at in your own account.

Kristyn: You would click on settings and then phone numbers and then right up here on Trust Center. Now the good news for Gloria is. Look, she's got approved.

Kristyn: That means her brand. That's just like her information, her name, her address, all of that checked out. So that was approved, verified. If you've gone through this process, you know that once you submit everything, this system sends you a text message to make sure you're a real legitimate person.

Kristyn: and you have to reply back and say yes to to their message. Once you do that, this changes to verified. So Gloria is done with that.

Kristyn: And then the third box, right here is the most important one, because this is the one

Kristyn: that says you've been verified. We've approved your campaign status. Then that's what allows you to send the text messages and receive

Kristyn: versus to send the text messages. So in Gloria's a case

Kristyn: well done. You are approved. So good job.

Gloria Othello-Thomas: II got one question, though, under start registration. What's that for? Because I can't do anything with that?

Kristyn: The which one

Gloria Othello-Thomas: the blue box that says start registration would. I need to do anything there? Because I can't.

Kristyn: Right? Yeah, you don't see you've already been. You've already done this, the registration and everything has been approved. So because you've completed the process and you're approved, they don't let you click on start registration because you don't need to.

Kristyn: You're already approved.

Gloria Othello-Thomas: Thank you. Thank you.

Kristyn: Anybody else want to be in the hot seat.

Nick D: Let's see. Holly had thrown her name in the ring and Ricklinette as well.

Kristyn: Okay, let's go take a look at Polly.

Holley Graves: I was approved. I just you said that it might not still be approved. So you're one of those unlucky people that this is the problem, that my account is also having. Holly, and I just

Kristyn: checked it again today, and

Kristyn: this time I carefully looked at everything in my own account and noticed I had when I typed in my website address. I spelled it wrong, and so guess what

Kristyn: it didn't. That's why it didn't pass.

Kristyn: So yeah, so look so, Holly here. She's approved with her brand information. That's we put here on business profile.

Kristyn: She's verified to so show she's a real person. But the campaign status has failed. So and don't worry about this over here on the business profile, Holly, cause it doesn't

Kristyn: apply to us anymore. So don't worry about that. So if I hover over, fail and click on it. It's gonna they're starting to give us a reason. So let's see, this says

Kristyn: use case description. The campaign submission has been reviewed, and it was rejected because of an unknown reason. Okay.

Kristyn: and that's not very helpful.

Kristyn: But what we can do is I'm just going to quickly. Go through all of this. and we will make sure

Kristyn: that we haven't missed any of the important things. So

Kristyn: we'll just skip past that.

Kristyn: Polly. Do you know, have we submitted this since the very first time we did this way back in July.

Holley Graves: Yeah, we well, as far as I know, I mean the last time I saw that it was it was approved. That's that's all I know. I mean, I'm still getting familiar with how to use this thing. And

Kristyn: okay, I'm just going to let me move this out of the way.

Kristyn: I'm just going to copy and paste everything fresh, because. like I said, as requirements have changed. They've given us new information. So I'm just going to start over

Kristyn: so you can't see everything on my screen. But I'm copying right out of

Kristyn: that document that Nick was just referring to, and I

Kristyn: gonna delete here and paste the most

Kristyn: updated content for approval. So we've got that in. And next.

Kristyn: so this part is boring for everybody, because I'm just doing copy and paste out of that document.

Kristyn: And then I come up here

Kristyn: because everybody's a sole proprietor. I delete all of this, and we're just using the name

Kristyn: that. Okay.

Kristyn: And let's see company, name and

Kristyn: company name down here as well.

Kristyn: So we're just going to copy and paste again.

Kristyn: And this is an automated message from holly grapes.

Kristyn: Okay, make sure those 2 boxes are checked.

Kristyn: And next, okay, now, I'm gonna delete this one.

Kristyn: And Holly, do you happen to remember what your pipeline funnels phone number is?

Holley Graves: No, I don't not off the top of my head, because that was why I needed your help because I couldn't.

Kristyn: I don't have my data with me. So, Nick, so that I don't have to back up out of here. Can you?

Kristyn: Website? First?

Nick D: Okay? Good question. Let's see what we've got. You set up here. Holly sites

Nick D: homepage.

Kristyn: Probably the quickest way to find it is on her business profile.

Nick D: Yeah, it's HSG,

Kristyn: HSG, wellness.

Kristyn: okay? And just because

Kristyn: I'm curious to see what this points to.

Kristyn: Okay, good. And this is fine. I think one of the things they actually look for

Kristyn: when they come to your page is. If there, however, someone opts in, if it shows

Kristyn: a place where they can give authorization to opt in for text messaging, and on this form it does. Once we choose

Kristyn: here, I'll just show you really quick. If I were to select this time to meet with holly

Kristyn: and click, continue, you'll see the opt-in form. Right here. I confirm

Kristyn: that I want to receive content from this company using any contact information I provide. The person has to check that

Kristyn: before they can submit the form. And that's what they're looking for is, are we being compliant

Kristyn: in getting people's permission to text them on their personal cell phones. So that website should pass no problem there. Okay.

Kristyn: continuing on company name here.

Kristyn: wrong.

Kristyn: holy graves.

Kristyn: and then chat widgets

and observe

Kristyn: holy graves appointment booking.

Kristyn: Okay, I should have my glasses on. But I don't.

Kristyn: alright.

Kristyn: Nick. Now I'm ready for that phone number of Holly's. Okay. It's Area code 8, 3, one.

Kristyn: 3, 3, 7, 0, 5, 4 0.

Kristyn: They get that right? (831) 337-0540, perfect. Okay?

Kristyn: And email marketing. We're just going to add in the business name right here.

Kristyn: Yeah.

Kristyn: okay. opt in keywords. I'm just gonna copy that right off of the sheet and

Kristyn: paste. Now, I know this one has

Kristyn: changed for shorter.

Kristyn: So let's

Nick D: are we having fun yet?

Kristyn: Got it?

Kristyn: I'm just gonna delete that completely doesn't apply here. Alright company website was HSG. Yes. Wellness.

Kristyn: HSG. Oh, H.

Kristyn: SG. From our information or call us

Kristyn: okay. And the phone number was

Nick D: 8, 3, one.

Kristyn: 333-73-0540.

Kristyn: Okay.

Kristyn: alright. And that is it

Kristyn: cool. Now we will submit.

Kristyn: And Holly, you've already been verified on that text message.

Kristyn: So I don't know if it's going to resend you a text message or not.

Kristyn: Just reply with, Yes, don't get one. It's probably okay, because you're already verified. But now you notice that Poly's

Kristyn: so. You know her campaign status has changed to Orange and in progress. So, Holly, what I would recommend is check this about once a week.

Kristyn: you know it could take up, you know. It could take a couple of days. It could take a couple of weeks. So if you'll just check that in progress status.

Kristyn: if it changes back to red and it fails, please let me know. Okay, I will thank you. Alright.

Kristyn: And then Rick is Rick next?

Nick D: Yeah, Doug, you got a quick question.

Holley Graves: Thanks, Kristyn.

Kristyn: Sure you're welcome.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Alright. Well, Kristyn, setting up Rick's account. Here. Let's Doug. What's your question, sir? Well, I was just wondering if if there was any need to because I've been stuck in in process for so long, if there was any need, but I noticed

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: that it won't let me start the registration. So probably not.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Cause I'm I'm sure any of those changes that she just made to Gloria's account are not registered in my account.

Nick D: Yeah. And unfortunately, while it's still in progress, we can't make any changes. It won't let us click anything.

Nick D: It's a hurry up and wait. Kind of thing.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Yep. Well, I'm pretty good. I'm getting pretty good at that now.

Kristyn: Okay, so Rick is up. Now, here's an interesting combination. The hardest thing to get approved has been approved on Rick's end.

Kristyn: What they're looking for is

Kristyn: probably more complete information on

Kristyn: the brand. And basically, that is Rick proving that he is a real person. And the reason I'm gonna guess that that's the case is because they're also asking for info needed here on verification. So, Rick.

Kristyn: do you recall ever getting a text message?

Kristyn: asking you to verify for opt-in verification.

Kristyn: Okay, alright. So we're just gonna quickly again. We're not gonna worry about the business profile at all. What I need to do is, check out your business profile here. But we're recording the meeting. And it's gonna show your address and your phone number. Are you okay with seeing that? Okay.

Rick Linet: let's send.

Kristyn: Okay. So we're going to just kind of go through this again.

Kristyn: We're gonna make sure. This is right phone number with area code. Okay,

Kristyn: Hold on a second. I want to take a look at something really fast.

Kristyn: So Rick's pipeline number

Kristyn: is

Kristyn: 1 7,

Kristyn: I think. Rick.

Kristyn: for right now, do you mind if I put your cell phone number in this field right here?

Rick Linet: Okay.

Kristyn: once you get things approved, you can change back

Kristyn: alright.

Kristyn: Now we'll start this process.

Rick Linet: Fuck.

Kristyn: Okay? So

Kristyn: that looks good.

Kristyn: Okay, all that came through.

Kristyn: And

Kristyn: with Richard, right?

Rick Linet: Correct.

Kristyn: Okay, so this is where I want to put your cell phone

Kristyn: number, because this is what what they're going to text

Kristyn: so that you can verify that you're a real live breathing person. So

Kristyn: once I submit this form from you. It could take a couple of minutes to show up on your phone. It could take several hours, or even show up tomorrow.

Kristyn: I've seen it happen in all the timeframes. So you're gonna want to watch for it's just kind of like a generic message that is asked. It. It says something about otp verification. Do not delete it. Some people have received it, and they thought it was a spam message, so they deleted it. Don't do that because

Kristyn: I don't have a way to resend it to you.

Kristyn: We have to wait for it to fail, and then we'd have to redo it the the same process we're doing right now. So please watch for it. and the instruction is is included in the message. But all you have to do, Rick is just reply, yes.

Kristyn: when you get that text message. Okay.

Kristyn: alright. So we're gonna do file the sole proprietor.

Kristyn: And actually.

Kristyn: I didn't need to do that because you've already been approved on this part.

Kristyn: but because I deleted it, I'll just quickly copy it again

Kristyn: and drop that in.

Kristyn: Okay. So the rest of these. Now see, look! This is what's interesting. He got approved

Kristyn: without the, you know, without filling out these things.

Kristyn: But I'm just going to

Kristyn: fill them in.

Nick D: And I saw Kathy had some issues on her account. It looks like, too. I'm gonna Kathy. I'm gonna work on yours on my side while she's doing that, for, you

Kristyn: see. Yep, see right here, then, the olden days they would let us just do But now they don't let us do that. So let me

Kristyn: grab Rick's website here.

Kristyn: Okay.

Kristyn: website, company, name, company, name.

Kristyn: appointment booking. Where's the next one?

Nick D: If there's anybody else on the call, still listening in. You're welcome to hang out. I know Doug's got a question. Give me just 1 s, Doug.

Nick D: if you need to drop off. That's fine. This is our goal today, just to get everybody pushed through hopefully approved.

Nick D: And then next week, let's jump into how we can use text messaging to sell products in a really easy and simple way

to go to.

Kristyn: Okay, that's good.

Kristyn: And

Kristyn: and, Rick, I, even though you have been approved, I just because we're resubmitting. I honestly don't know if they will like. The system is going to

Kristyn: like, recheck everything, and I just don't want it to fail because

Kristyn: of outdated stuff that was in this part that was originally approved. So we're just going to take the time to get it right.

Rick Linet: Thank you.

Kristyn: Opting in at here.

Kristyn: Okay, pipeline number 6, 1, 7,

Kristyn: zoom for

Kristyn: 97. Alright and submit.

Kristyn: Okay, Rick, you are good to go. So if you'll just keep an eye on this right here, let me know how it goes.

Rick Linet: Thank you.

Kristyn: But it yeah, this won't change, though, until you have responded with yes, on that text message.

Kristyn: okay, anyone else.

Kristyn: And, Cindy, I think you're in. You're in Canada.

Kristyn: So you're lucky, because none of this even applies to you. If you're in Canada. You don't have to worry about it. If I'm texting to the Us. Someone in the Us. Though, does it apply? No, it's only it's it's only if you have a Us. Number like a Us. Area code.

Kristyn: you might have a hard time. But if you're using an area code from Canada. You'll be fine.

Cindy Greenwood: Okay? Cause I think I have a meeting with you at one. So maybe we don't need to meet

Kristyn: oh, that's right. I do have a meeting at 10'clock. That's what my phone is buzzing for right now.

Kristyn: So yeah, if you so basically right now, like, I have heard through the great vine that Canada will probably, and most likely eventually adopt a process like this. But right now they are not so.

Kristyn: I would just say, we'll keep. We'll keep our I our antennas

Kristyn: for listening for when changes would start happening in your market.

Kristyn: and we'll be the first to let you know.

Kristyn: So if that's what you needed to discuss on our meeting, then, I guess.

Kristyn: can't speak.

Cindy Greenwood: Yeah, we're good then.

Kristyn: hey? Anybody else out there that needs some help with anything.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Yeah, I just have. One other question, and that is

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: I noticed that you had that opt in checkbox on the calendar for Holly's thing that you said they were looking for.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: If we go to

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: the URL

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: that I've used, you're not gonna find that.

or you know. Cause that's my, that's my link tree.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: And it's it's not on. There.

Kristyn: Is that gonna be problematic?

Kristyn: No, because other people's pages. I've been everybody that I have submitted

Kristyn: for what? What is your page, Doug

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Doug all one word.

Kristyn: I should know that.

Kristyn: Alright. This looks great.

Kristyn: so yeah, yours looks a little bit different than everyone else's, but where everything is the same is number one you've got.

Kristyn: And this is the thing II honestly like, I honestly don't know. Like, if a computer is looking for it, how does a computer know to find it? It's approving the pages that we've been submitting.

Kristyn: the the 2 things that I mean, even though your page looks different than most other people's

Kristyn: right now, using pipeline funnels, Link tree is, there's 2 elements that are the same number one is your texting form. So if I click on this because it pops up.

Kristyn: you can't read it. But right here is the opt in text.

Kristyn: Okay? So

Kristyn: if there's someone actually looking for it, you're covered right there. The other thing that is the same for everyone else is right down here.

Kristyn: Book, a strategy session, you know. We're they're looking for. How can they connect with you?

Kristyn: Well, if you click right here. and you book a strategy session. And again we choose a time

Kristyn: and go to continue wherever the opt-in form is, which is right here. There's your opt in form consent. even though you you've customized your page. You're still compliant.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Okey Doke.

Kristyn: hey?

Nick D: Very good. Well,

Nick D: I think that should wrap things up. I hope this was helpful for everybody. Obviously, thank you to Kristyn and those watching on the recording. You can probably just follow along again. You'll find that Google Doc, that Kristin was using to copy and paste all the stuff.

Nick D: Just go to our support site, support

Nick D: type in a 2 P. In the search box. And it's that first article that pops up

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: one final question, has anybody ever have you had any experience with anybody

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: failing on the text to the twilio numbers, cause that's what's on mine. and I've never had a problem with it before. But you know, I still get the text.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: But I was just wondering.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: are you talking about inbound text messages, Doug people texting you this approval text message that we're waiting for

Nick D: that approval message should go to your personal cell phone.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Okay, I hope. I hope that's the way I got it set up.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: But I haven't seen that yet. Could you take a look at that Deb

Kristyn: really, really quickly, though.

Kristyn: Nick, you did say that they can go to our support site. But you could another easy way. If you're already inside of pipeline funnels, this box right here, this

Kristyn: kind of greenish blackish

Kristyn: box. This is how you reach our support center altogether.

Kristyn: So you can, you know, email them. You can chat with our support team. I'll even right here. You can search for help. So you can just type in right here. P.

Kristyn: And it pulls up the same article that Nick was just referencing. It's just that now. You don't even have to leave your pipeline funnels account.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Sure. Yeah. The problem. The problem is is that I'm in process, so I can't. You know it's not II can't go see what's

Kristyn: where you could find that because you can.

Kristyn: So I mean right now, Doug, let's see here.

Kristyn: So, Doug, right now, it shows that your brand was approved and you are verified. That means you did respond to a text message.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: I did.

Kristyn: And if you want to see, I mean but the information that they pull off of your for your brand comes right here under business profile.

Kristyn: So the information that you have here.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Yeah, it's got it. That's that's my.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: that's my. So straight ahead.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: Cell number.

Kristyn: this is your cell phone number. Okay? So that's what would have shown up by default on the form that you filled out

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: alright.

Kristyn: Alright! No more questions.

Cindy Greenwood: This, Doug. Do you have the do you have the pro version to get the your site to look different.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: I just, I just backed off the pro version and went back to basic

Nick D: yeah. But yeah, that is how he did it.

Nick D: Doug's the kind of guy who likes to tinker

Nick D: and build his own stuff.

Cindy Greenwood: Yeah.

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: yep.

Kristyn: is Rick still on with us.

Rick Linet: Rick, you had asked a question about the Facebook integration.

Rick Linet: Yeah. And also, if I go to one of my funnels, the business funnel partner dot one life Tribecom and I go to schedule a meeting

Rick Linet: or book with me.

Rick Linet: It's going to a 404 page. It's not going to the

Rick Linet: the yeah URL, that you just put out. because it has an extension of schedule instead of just book with me. Dot one life, which does go to the calendar.

Kristyn: Okay.

Kristyn: we can look at that but just really quickly, it was that it actually wasn't Facebook that was failing. It's your connection to Google. So when you get a minute, you'll want to come here. Just come into settings

Kristyn: and then down here to integrations. I can just join me to just try and click, reconnect and see if it's

Kristyn: yeah.

Kristyn: Sometimes it might make you enter in a password. Yep. password, and I can't do that for you.

Rick Linet: It's gonna try connect one of my accounts, and I should I should use the email that I have with pipeline set up with pipeline funnels.

Rick Linet: the the Google email.

Nick D: No, this will be whatever your your Google account is. So if you have a Gmail.

Rick Linet: yeah, I have a couple of them.

Nick D: whichever one that you use for your calendar, the purpose of this is to connect it to your Google Calendar. So do you maintain a calendar like on Google Calendar?

Nick D: Yeah, okay, yeah. So just whichever email address that you use for that?

Kristyn: Yup, you'll just need to enter in username and password. And that will reconnect it.

Rick Linet: Okay? And then that that other issue.

Kristyn: Let's see the calendar website issue.

Kristyn: Let me

Kristyn: take a look.

Kristyn: okay.

Kristyn: So the first thing I want to take a look at

Kristyn: is.

Kristyn: let's go here to this

Kristyn: and

Kristyn: link tree book with me dot one life

Kristyn: okay. all of them.

Kristyn: So, Nick, why do you think that this

Nick D: so I would leave the the domain is is okay. How it is, cause that that page is loading just fine.

Nick D: It's the forward slash schedule that's throwing it. And so for some reason, Rick's

Nick D: book with me, Page, the the link has gotten

Nick D: switched a little bit. So let's just fix that. And that should solve our problem.

Kristyn: So, Kristyn, if you'll just click on, go back in the top left

Nick D: and let's go to sites and just jump into the

Nick D: blink tree file there.

Nick D: so you'll notice we've got, you know, bookwith me dot onelife drive slash linktree, and let's go to the second page down the book with me.

Nick D: So you see how we've got yeah, the after the slash. We've got book with me, Page.

Nick D: We just wanna change that to the word schedule. And you can do that.

Nick D: Oh, you can do that right there now, cool.

Kristyn: Well, no, it's not letting me

Nick D: click on publishing. There you go. So we're just going to do slash schedule.

Kristyn: Well, I didn't spell that right. DUN,

Nick D: okay, cool. There we go.

Nick D: and that should fix the error. Yep.

Kristyn: okay, I'm gonna test it.

Kristyn: There you go, Rick, you're set.

Rick Linet: Yep. Looks great.

Rick Linet: thank you.

Kristyn: Hey? Now, 1 Si just noticed something else here. That would be a good thing to fix

Kristyn: So

Kristyn: check this out. You've got your chat, Widget turned on.

Kristyn: but it's a female's picture. Would you like your picture to be there because, you know, you guys can customize your little chat, Widget.

Kristyn: How many of you even have that turned on?

Kristyn: No, I gotta remember where we do this. I will remember if you go right up to the top in the middle.

Kristyn: Okay, so, Rick, I don't have your picture, but

Kristyn: if you just come here to edit image

Kristyn: sites. Yeah. So just where it says, edit image. Just upload your picture.

Kristyn: And so you can change the little intro message, whatever it says when the little you know texting pops up here.

Kristyn: I would say, like, Hi, it's Rick.

Nick D: Have a question. Text me here.

Rick Linet: right?

Kristyn: We did change that for you. Yes, please.

Kristyn: There you go.

Kristyn: And now I just need to make sure that we change that photo cause. That doesn't look like Rick.

Kristyn: hey? Any questions on how to get there? So you can change that, Rick?

Rick Linet: Okay, thank you.

Kristyn: Okay. And yes, Cindy, we can keep our call. So are there any other questions here before I hop off with my pre scheduled meeting with Cindy?

Mark Montgomery: I had a problem sending an email from my Yahoo account

Mark Montgomery: sending an email. Alright. I'll I'll work with you on that that, mark.

Mark Montgomery: Thank you.

Nick D: Okay, thanks, Holly, for sticking around everybody else. If you want to stick around, you're welcome to Kristyn and Cindy. Gonna go on their call. So thank you, Kristyn, very much for the time, and I'll see the rest of you guys. Next week Mark, stick around. I'll get you fixed up here.

Mark Montgomery: Thank you. Thanks a lot. Buh-bye.

Back to Blog

Episode #42


This week, Nick gives us a demo of the new Slenderiiz drops page you can use to educate your prospects about the drops AND collect email addresses from prospecs.

Episode #41


This week is on lead generation and advertising… plus cool updates to our PartnerCo integration you’re going to want to know about!

(Lead gen section starts at 42:27)

Episode #40


Lots of updates this week! We've got a new Help Center with all our support docs, a news feed from our developers, TikTok integration, PartnerCo integration and more!

Episode #39


This week, our buddy Craig gives us a demo of how he's using physical greeting cards and "lumpy mail" to enhance his prospecting and business relationships.

Episode #38


How do you recruit professionals into your business? This week, I'm interviewing two -- an insurance broker and a real estate / mortgage pro to get some insider secrets!

Episode #37


This week, we revisit the Puritii Water Bottle funnel and talk about some new updates, including an international version for Canada, UK, and AU. Plus, open office hours.

Episode #36


BIG NEWS -- Now you can see all your PartnerCo orders inside Pipeline Funnels! Here's a sneak peek of our new integration, coming in May 2023. This is a game changer for all brand partners.

Episode #35


It's been an exciting week for the RENEW System of Growth! New tools released... plus we recap the new PartnerCo integration coming to your account in the next couple of weeks.

Episode #34


Call it the luck of the Irish, but we've got a brand new integration with to show you! This is huge! Plus, today we're talking about how to setup a blog. ☘️

Episode #33


What's the best way to approach your WARM MARKET? After you've loaded your contacts into Pipeline Funnels, what is the next step? Today we're talking about the Inviting Formula from Tim Sales.

Episode #32


We've got a whole new PartnerCo business funnel ready for you! Here's how it works, and how to set it up! (Note: this is a 2-part video. The link for Part 2 is in the video description under Part 1.)

Episode #31


Today we're talking about how to make better marketing campaigns, and we've arrived at a concept even more important than your headline. That is... your authenticity and authority (and how to develop that.)

Episode #30


Today, we go through an interesting funnel from a totally different company, breaking down how it works and seeing what ideas and inspiration we can glean. PLUS, how to organize your leads and send broadcast emails and texts.

Episode #29


Today, we're talking about the Live Chat widget you can add to your funnels to generate leads (and why I love it). PLUS, we're also exploring some exciting new lead generation strategies for cold market!

Episode #28


This week we've got folks already working toward the "Catalyst Club," and so we're talking about using Tim's "Performance Tracker" document to make a plan to focus on income-generating activities to get there.

Episode #27


Today we're talking about personal branding and what makes you unique in the marketplace. Are you in network marketing? Or are you an independent entrepreneur who's partnered with a NWM company?

Episode #26


This week, we're breaking down various scenarios where you might be talking with a prospect (warm and cold market) about Renew... and what to send them in each situation.

Episode #25


We've been hard at work behind the scenes to create a proper Sales Page for Renew that you can use for both warm and cold market leads. Here's a demo (and how to use it).

Episode #24


Now that you've got your Renew System of Growth PRO funnel set up, it's time to talk about how to promote it to your prospects. And I think stories are the single best way.

Episode #23


We've got new members and brand partners on board, so today we're giving an overview of the Renew System of Growth PRO funnel.

Episode #22


This week, we've got more updates and improvements to the RENEW System of Growth PRO to encourage early sales. (thank you page and age/gender testimonials)

Episode #21


This week, we've got some helpful updates and improvements to the RENEW System of Growth PRO to share with you. (pagination and improvements to the custom report)

Episode #20


Today is all about how to take the RENEW System of Growth to the next level! (warm/cold market, credibility, staying organized, and follow up automatically)

Episode #19


Today, Nick goes over how to create a marketing campaign to promote Renew (using your new funnel)!

Episode #18


I'm excited to announce the Renew funnel is ready for beta testing! Check out the health assessment quiz and report, plus you can now process orders on your site!

Episode #17


In this episode, we're giving you a sneak peek at the new Renew funnel coming soon. You're going to want to see this!

Episode #16


In this episode we show you how to setup the new business prospecting funnel for NewAge that we talked about last week.

Episode #15


Today, we're talking about strategy. Specifically, the strategy of using a 2-step funnel to build your business with. We're discussing what's working best right now, and introducing some ideas to improve.

Episode #14


Today, we're talking about using surveys to generate leads (and personalize your lead's experience along the way). We also recap your pipeline stats and finish with a real world scenario - using surveys to "update my Rolodex."

Episode #13


In this episode we’re talking about how to use a List Reactivation campaign… and how you can use the automation tools in PF to quickly find people on your list who are still interested in your business/products.

Episode #12


In this episode, we talked about the strategy side of building funnels... it's so much more than just a website! Two examples: how best to use the corporate videos, and how to build a Renew funnel.

Episode #11


In this episode, we dive into the psychology behind the Elite Man funnel and how to use it to get both long-term customers and dedicated reps to your team.

Episode #10


In this episode, we talk about the magic of the "LinkTree" page that comes with your Pipeline Funnels account -- how to set it up and use it the right way.

Episode #9


In this episode, we dive into the psychology behind the "Side Hustle Millionaire" funnel, and how you can use it to posture yourself as a professional.

Episode #8


In this "Good Friday" episode, we talk about 3 challenges network marketers face when starting their business, and how Pipeline Funnels solves them all.

Episode #7


In this episode, we talk about how to use the Power Dialer, then get into how to create campaigns to run traffic to your funnels (weight loss example).

Episode #6


In this episode, we talk about your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) with Pipeline Funnels and the specific actions you should be doing each day.

Episode #5


In this episode, we dive deep into the best ways to use the Pipeline to work your leads in a way that works for you, plus some cool customizations.

Episode #4


In this episode, we talk about how to use the NewAge SHOP LIVE videos together with Pipeline Funnels to reengage old leads and grow your business.

Episode #3


In this episode, we talk about the best ways to use Brent Palmer's THE PLAY video inside of a sales funnel to introduce people to your business faster than ever before.

Episode #2


In this episode we talk about how to import your leads into Pipeline Funnels and organize them with tags and smart lists, then send them an email or text, all at once.

Episode #1


In our first episode of Funnel Fridays, we talk about all the cool new stuff inside Pipeline Funnels, including the Puritii Water Bottle funnel, live chat support, your Q&A and much more!

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