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Ep 46: Getting Started with Pipeline Funnels

September 08, 202366 min read

We’ve had many people request a refresher on the basics of how to use Pipeline Funnels to organize and grow your business, so today Kristyn’s joining us to talk about How to sell Slenderiiz with text messaging and automation!



Nick: And we're live. Welcome, everybody! The funnel. Friday. It's Friday, September 8th, and in the city of Austin, Texas right now it's 102 degrees. And we're going up to a higher 105 today here in Austin, so very much looking forward to fall and winter.

Nick: I know winter exists, but I forgot what it was like. I see Vic nodding his head. You're up in Dallas, man, so you're probably feeling it just as much!

Nick: I am fortunate to have Kristyn with us today we're gonna go over just some of the basics of Pipeline Funnels; Kristyn is the one who does our vip on boardings. And so she has worked with a lot of you guys, one on one

Nick: to get your systems set up and and has kind of noted a lot of places along the way where people may get snagged or or get stuck. And so let's just kinda cover some of those things just really quickly, though, I just wanna say.

Nick: we started off pipeline funnels

Nick: really focusing heavily on on funnels themselves. Right? That's kind of the world that I came from. That's how I met Tim and Laura, in the first place, was they wanted to use funnels for network marketing, right? So whether it's a business funnel or a product funnel, they wanted to be able to

Nick: set those up just like any network marketer. Excuse me, in any Internet marketer would, and do those same kinds of things right? And there are, there's a percentage of people in partner Co who are interested in that type of thing. Probably a lot of you guys on the call interested in doing funnels specifically. But there's a far greater number of people who are more interested in. Let's just focus on social media and just sell a product right there from

Nick: Facebook messenger, or right there in my Dms, or just through text message, or maybe just simple one to one kind of stuff.

Nick: And so what we've realized, I think, is not everybody wants to use the the sales pages and all that kind of stuff. But what the one thing that everybody does need. Everybody in your team is an organization system.

Nick: because, as some folks are are finding out, especially with the the slender eyes system of growth. They're selling a whole lot of product. But that leads to a new set of problems. Which is, how do I stay organized with all this? How do I keep track? Of which message I need to send? To which person, at which time and have I sent out such and such product as so and so paid me for the product. So there's a there's a scalability thing. And so there, there are a lot of tools within pipeline funnels that we're gonna focus on. That can help you do that, no matter if you're using funnels

Nick: or not. So it's really just about how do I be more efficient in business and use my time more wisely? How can we incorporate things like automation to make life easier so that, you know

Nick: things don't fall through the cracks.

Nick: If you can set those things up and have a trusted system that allows you to really focus your time and energy elsewhere on higher value items such as growing the business getting more customers, that type of thing.

Nick: So that, said I, wanna turn it over to Kristyn and let's get going here.

Kristyn: Okay, thanks, Nick. So I thought that I wanted, I would like to start out today by, we're gonna go into a little instructional mode here for maybe 5 or 10 min.

Kristyn: I'm we're we're gonna end up working inside pipeline funnels and doing some demos on some things. And it's going to be interactive. You're going to be able to participate in some of these Demos and watch them in real time. But I wanted to start out with something on a really basic level, because one of the things that I've become aware of as I've been doing a lot of onboarding with. A lot of our subscribers

Kristyn: is there's we? We need to kind of come back to the basics of the importance of building a list.

Kristyn: And why that's so important to you as a network marketer. I think a lot of times we get in the business and we're excited and we're ready to share, and we forget about some basic business concepts. So if I could, I'd like to share my screen. Nick.

Kristyn: hold on, let me put on my glasses so I can see here.

Kristyn: pick the right thing to share.

Kristyn: I'm just going to share my whole screen.

Nick: Okay.

Kristyn: and share my little slides with you. Alright.

Kristyn: Is it coming through?

Nick: Yes, we got you there all right.

Kristyn: I just want to do a little bit of basic training right now on why, every business needs to manage their contacts, and that includes yours as well. So the number one most valuable thing in your business is going to be your list of contacts. Every business. The wants to be in business long term and generate a lot of sales has to have a list, and that's no different for you as a network marketer. So your goal is to grow your list. And right now I want you to think about where is your list.

Kristyn: and how many people are on your list you need. I want you to think about that for a second.

Kristyn: One of the things with pipeline funnels is, it's going to help you

Kristyn: keep track of that list. Yeah. And the other thing I want to say is, you always want to have access to your list. Because, let's say, a lot of your contacts are living in Facebook right now.

Kristyn: what would happen if, for some terrible reason, your Facebook account got hacked tomorrow.

Kristyn: and all of your conversations are now inaccessible because you can't get access to your Facebook account for 2 months. What would you do in your business.

Kristyn: That's happened to people before. So like. The most important thing is that you've always got access to this list that you've worked really hard to build and maintain. So having access to something like pipeline funnels allows you to control that list that you're going to build and grow.

Kristyn: The other thing I want you to think about is who what your list consists of? Think outside the box of just leads. Yes, leads are important. Your customer leads are part of your list, your business partners that you've already brought into the business. They're also part of your list. Your regular customers are part of your list and business partners that are leads. So

Kristyn: all of those people

Kristyn: consist of your list, and at some point in your business they're going to be

Kristyn: they are. The those people on your list are is what is going to help you generate cells. So you want to be able to have easy access to all of those people, and to be able to communicate to all of those people at any time.

Kristyn: Can I just add one quick thing to that Kristyn. Yeah, absolutely.

Nick: in the spirit of you know, not losing your list. I have heard horror stories of people who have worked really hard for a long time to build a big list.

Nick: and maybe their account got hacked. Or maybe Facebook just shot him down. Or maybe it's not even Facebook. I heard a guy who was doing a lot of email marketing and he was using it one of the email service providers out there. You know, there's Mailchemp, and and a constant contact and aweber. And you've you've probably heard of these companies. Well, for some reason they didn't. They decided they didn't like what he was doing and they they banned him from his email list.

Nick: He he couldn't get in. So I believe he had over a million people on it. And then overnight they shut him down. So these kinds of crazy things happen. You know. A good thing about pipeline funnels is we're not a crazy, big global company, you know. It's it's Tim, right, Tim and Laura, who have foot the foot of the bill for the creation of this whole thing, but nevertheless, it's a good idea to keep a backup copy of your list, you know, once a week, certainly at least once a month. You can go in there, and you can download all of your leads into a database file or a spreadsheet file, so that God forbid anything happens. You own

Nick: that list that you've worked so hard for, so just a note. I've I've heard too many horror stories to not warn everybody to just make backups of your list from time to time. Even your even your list at partner. Co.

Nick: right? There's there's been changes in the past, different company names and so forth, where we've had different levels of access to our downlines. Right? So there, there was a time in the early days. You could just go in. You could, just, you know.

Nick: export a whole list of your entire downline. I'm not sure if we can still do that or not, but the idea is the the more that you can own yourself and have, you know, in your personal rolodex the better.

Kristyn: Great thanks for that. Nick. Yeah.

Kristyn: okay, so the other thing that I want to mention is as you start building your list.

Kristyn: The next best best practice is after someone is opted in, or you've added a contact to your list. Your job isn't done. Then, as a business owner and as a marketer

Kristyn: you need to be in contact with those people you're adding to your list 2 to 3 times a month by just sending value their way, and just get your message and keep you in front of or in in their, you know, in front of their eyeballs.

Kristyn: And sometimes I see a lot of marketers forget that step that we focus so much on getting new leads and finding new people to talk to. But then we forget about the follow up

Kristyn: and we'll be talking a lot more about this in the next couple of months. But I just wanted to kind of help set the broad scene here so hopefully, you kind of get the big picture. And just as an example I want to share with you is like, for example, after someone opts in

Kristyn: as far as adding value to someone like, we'll send

Kristyn: we've experimented with sending recipes. So like if somebody let's say they opted in for something having to do with weight loss.

Kristyn: then we follow up continually with recipes, meal, prep ideas.

Kristyn: One time we sent out an email that was a replacement for Pasta. Because if you know anything about.

Kristyn: The slender eyes plan. You can't have any carbs. So we found a great product. That is a amazing replacement for Pasta Noodles, and our list went wild over it. Right?

Kristyn: anything that we can send out the to motivate to remind all of those types of things. If the company is doing a really cool website or a webinar, a zoom with one of our doctors, and it's going to be

Kristyn: pad full of great information for people that care about their health, you know. That would be an awesome thing to invite your list, too.

Kristyn: So as a business person, you need to also be thinking about. How can you stay in regular communication with your with the person, the people that are coming in once you've got them on the list. So

Kristyn: another thing I can say is, we're going to be working on some things to help you with this, which is really excited, exciting to talk about.

Kristyn: Okay. So really, pipeline funnels is your customer relationship management tool. You probably hear a lot about Crm systems.

Kristyn: Even though pipeline funnels is great because we've got lots of funnels in it.

Kristyn: It's most basic and important function for you as a business owner is a Crm, a customer relationship management tool that will help you do and keep track of all of these things. So I wanted to just make a quick list of some of the things that pipeline funnels

Kristyn: can help you with on the most very basic level. It keeps track of all of your communication. It doesn't matter if you are communicating with someone on the phone. It records your phone calls. If someone dials your number and calls you, it records their voicemail.

Kristyn: If you're sending emails back and forth, it keeps track of all of those emails. And if you're texting someone, it keeps track of all of your text messages back and forth, and all of that communication is in one thread. So now you don't have to remember.

Kristyn: you know. Did I send this message to someone in Instagram Dms? Was I in Linkedin, was I in Facebook, Dms, was it on a comment on a Facebook post? Where did I communicate with this person?

Kristyn: if you're operating your business that way. Let us help you get all of those conversations into pipeline funnels.

Kristyn: so that you've got one place for all of your communication, so it makes it so much easier to keep track of the different communication cycles with your leads

Kristyn: and customers and clients. Also pipeline funnels allows you to keep notes on your contacts. So if you're following Tim's inviting formula, and you're you're learning, you know. What is it that your prospect needs wants and doesn't want. And you want to keep track of some important details about, you know, maybe health concerns they have, or goals that they have.

Kristyn: A pipeline funnels allows you an easy place to keep track of all of those notes, and you can also set reminders. So if you need a reminder to follow up with someone, or you want to set a reminder to send them something? You can easily set reminders for all those things, so you don't have a million sticky notes all over the place.

Kristyn: Also, pipeline funnels has a really cool tagging system. So it's easily to sort contact. So earlier we talked about, you know, just even the basics of you've got leads that are coming in that are customers you've got leads that are coming in for business, and then you've got actual customers, and then you've got actual reps.

Kristyn: You might have inactive reps. Think about.

Kristyn: I've heard Tim say before. Think about people on your team that are no longer active.

Kristyn: But what if

Kristyn: the company comes out with a new product that's super cool and exciting.

Kristyn: that people that are inactive might have an interest in in buying, or it might even bring them back into building the business again. You know. So if you even just segmented your list, using those 5 categories. You can tag people in each of those 5 categories. And then if you wanted to send an email or a text message only to

Kristyn: people in your downline that aren't active.

Kristyn: You can in literally 1 min send an email or a text message to those people that are tagged. Or let's say you want to tag people that are interested in weight loss.

Kristyn: So then you've got a whole, an email that you want to send out to your weight loss customers. If they're tagged, it takes 1 min to

Kristyn: round up all of those people that are interested in weight loss and then send an email or a text message off to them. So tagging is a really great way to keep your communications organized. There's a lot of ways that we automatically assign tags to your leads for you, as they're coming into the system as well. So we're going to look at tagging today.

Kristyn: and then let's see, what have they got here? Okay, this is cool. Most of you probably already know about this, but we have a automation that set up between your pipeline funnels account and your back office inside of partner Co. So that anytime a brand partner purchases something or a new brand partner signs up or a customer purchases anything that information is automatically sent over to pipeline funnels.

Kristyn: For you. So now, like, instead of having to constantly continually be downloading a list from pipeline funnels. Once you I mean from Partner Co, once you get this integration in place, that out, that information is automatically passed over which is a way for you to not only be aware of new sales that are coming in and automations that can automatically

Kristyn: message your new customer with, Hey, here's what we do to get started on the drops, or here's the best way to use your purity water bottle, whatever it is that you want to automate. You could do that, but it also. This whole integration helps you keep your list updated as well for your team. So Nick, will you do me a favor and just drop

Kristyn: the link to that training video

Kristyn: integration. If you've not set up that integration between your partner, call back office and pipeline funnels, it is super simple. It takes just a couple of minutes, and Nick will drop in our chat.

Kristyn: the link to the training video. So you can just watch that step by step to get that done

Kristyn: all right.

Kristyn: before I move on. Are there any questions? Does anybody have any any questions in the comments, Nick, that we need to discuss.

Nick: John loves the new partner co integration. So yeah, I think it's it's really neat. I've had customers myself that, you know, ordered a while back, and I hadn't talked to him in a while, and I kinda forgot about him frankly. And you know, it's funny, like on Saturday mornings. My phone starts dinging, you know.

Nick: whatever 7 or 80'clock in the morning now, and it's all the automatic orders going through, you know from at from midnight, so I'm like, oh, so and so reordered. Oh, look at that! Oh, money coming in! And it's just like this ding ding of of money. And I why, I love that. I want more of it. It's it's really great to motivation, but it's also.

Nick: you know, something that we can capitalize on even more by connecting some of that to some automation later on. So, for example, if you're working on somebody and and you. You've tagged them like with the word weight loss. Let's say, you know, they've been talking about weight loss, or that's that's their thing. And then, you see an order come through.

Nick: Boom! What if we could kick off, you know, a whole series of how-to videos, or whatever regarding slender eyes and the whole program. It's some follow up emails that are going to check in on them. And all of that's automatic. And you don't have to worry about it. And yet

Nick: you get the credit for being an awesome sponsor, you know, being an awesome guide or helper for them. So lots of really cool stuff that we're just scratching the surface on right now.

Kristyn: Okay, good. Let's let's move on because there's so many things that I am excited to show today. Alright. So again, we're just keeping things really basic here.

Kristyn: the last slide before we dive into looking inside of pipeline funnels is on a basic level. How to get contacts into pipeline funnels. This is like, this is the big piece. So number one. If you do a lot of business where you're talking conversationally to people in person.

Kristyn: You can manually add your contacts

Kristyn: that you speak with, and I'll show you how to do that in a minute. You can also import lists. So if you've been marketing in other places and have started to build lists, whether you know it's in like contact or some other email system. You can import lists like your contacts from your cell phone into pipeline funnels as well. And we've got some awesome tutorials on how to do all of that. So if you've got contacts and other places, you can definitely import them in

Kristyn: number 3 would be to download a list from partner call. That's just like what we talked about. And I wanted to just emphasize even your inactive downline. You know, you could probably run it just a campaign to see who's still interested and wants to stay in communication with you and receive, you know, updates every once in a while. That'd be a great way to add some new people to your list.

Kristyn: And and then the fourth thing. And this is where we're going to spend. We're doing some beta testing right now, and we're going to be. You're going to see a lot more of this coming up. And what I'm Nick and I have been working on, and we're really excited to share with you, and that is the marketing aspect. Your funnels don't do you any good unless you're getting people to your funnels. So what we really want to help you with are ways to generate traffic

Kristyn: to your funnels and ways ways that you can get leads that eventually dump into

Kristyn: the sales. Page.

Kristyn: so you know, there's a lot of different ways that you can advertise to get leads in, and those are the things that we're going to specifically be working on, like, you know, QR codes, there's a really cool tool that you can use.

Kristyn: I call it text to sales. And I'm going to show you a demo of that today.

Kristyn: It's actually a great way to get people out of your social media conversations and into pipeline funnels. And of course, you know, you can do a lot of marketing on your social media posts and eventually get those conversations into pipeline funnels.

Kristyn: So on just a super basic level, I want you to think about what ways can you get contacts into pipeline funnels. And if you've got some questions I'd love to.

Kristyn: you know, once we do a few demonstrations here, I'd love to.

Kristyn: you know. Do little, you know, just like a little example in this webinar. You know where we could discuss solutions to ideas that you have, as far as getting contacts into pipeline funnels. But the ultimate thing is, your goal should be to get conversations into pipeline funnels regardless of where you start them, because once you can get them into pipeline funnels. Now everything can be automated.

Kristyn: So

Kristyn: having said all of that, let's just hop into pipeline funnels.

Kristyn: And I'm going to give you a quick, basic tour

Kristyn: of some things that sometimes we forget about. For those of you that have been using pipeline funnels for a while.

Kristyn: This might be

Kristyn: old news to you. But I know we've got a lot of people that are here today that

Kristyn: that will find this helpful.

Kristyn: So I'm just gonna give you a kind of like my. My daily rundown is when I use pipeline funnels. So the very first thing that I do when I log in

Kristyn: is I come here to the dashboard. This is what you see when you first log in, and I always take a look at my tasks. So this section right here.

Kristyn: when you create reminders and tasks, or when the system creates reminders and tasks for you, based on what different leads are doing

Kristyn: within your funnel pages. Those tasks are listed right here, so I always check every day to see what's on my list for that day that I need to get done, and also this will show you. I mean, this is not a good example here, but it will show you upcoming tasks like things that are due in 5 days things that are due in 2 weeks

Kristyn: just depending on how you sort it and look at it. So, Jefferson, that's that's my bad.

Kristyn: Yeah, that's really bad, Nick.

Kristyn: Alright then then the number 2 thing that I do is I hop over here to conversations earlier. I talked about one of the cool things with pipeline funnels, is it?

Kristyn: It

Kristyn: keeps all of your conversations in one place. So the conversations tab is like your inbox, so it doesn't matter if someone is sending you an email message, a text message, or they've called in and left a voice message. However, they're communicating with you those unread messages or communications?

Kristyn: drop right here into your conversations. Tab. So consider conversations like your main inbox of all communications.

Kristyn: Anything that you've not addressed or taken a look at. That's basically unread. It's going to show up here. So I dropped something in today just so that you could see an example of how this works.

Kristyn: So hold on. I'm gonna

Kristyn: and just switch this a little bit.

Kristyn: Okay. So right here in the center of the screen. You can see. I as a client.

Kristyn: II met I so

Kristyn: basically the lead here. This is me texting in to the pipeline funnels account, hey? I saw your flyer. I'm interested in learning more. So you know just a simple message here.

Kristyn: And

Kristyn: once I've read the message.

Kristyn: it's going to or once. Me.

Kristyn: I sorry. This is confusing, because I'm talking about me sending the message and me responding to the message. So once the lead sends in their message and you respond to it. It was going to automatically leave the unread column and come over here into the recent. So that way.

Kristyn: once you handle a communication? It

Kristyn: leaves the unread category. Did that make sense? Nick?

Pipo Lander: Yes, yeah. So so.

Kristyn: okay, good. I just wanna make sure I'm I'm doing an okay job of explaining this.

Kristyn: so I'm getting just gonna give you a high level overview really quick. And then we're gonna dial in and do some examples. So so anyway, you wanna do a good job of of keeping your inbox clean. So when you when you pop in every day, you're gonna come here to conversations and anything that's new.

Kristyn: This little blue dot right here is an indicator that this is a new message that you need to respond to. So as the network marketer, if I wanted to come in and respond, I would say, in this case, great.

Kristyn: and

Kristyn: what flier did you see? So she's on the computer.

Nick: But it's going to send a text message to their phone. And when they respond from their phone, it shows up here on the computer.

Nick: Likewise, if Kristyn wanted to do this from her phone, if she's out and about running errands.

Nick: all the same things that you're seeing here today from the computer also happen on the mobile app. and everything stays in sync. So you can do your business, you know.

Nick: from the office.

Nick: from the car, whatever your life calls for.

Kristyn: Okay? So I'm just gonna respond, back here.

Kristyn: I'm on my cell phone. Oh, so she's typing from her cell phone, now responding back, Yeah. alright. So.

Kristyn: as you can see, this is all happening real time in this little conversation here, all the weight loss flyer. Okay, so

Kristyn: as a network marketer, I can say, Oh, okay. So she seen a flyer on slender eyes. And so I'm just gonna type up a little message here and say something like

Kristyn: See?

Kristyn: Alright!

Kristyn: I don't know what II should have a template message here already to go.

Nick: That's that's a good spot actually to mention

Nick: a lot of times when we're in the midst of a conversation there's that moment of

Nick: oh, no! What do I say right now. And so

Nick: we've all experienced that. And we do have a template feature built into pipeline funnels that you can use. It works from the computer and from your phone.

Nick: and once she's finished here, we'll show you that. But we've got a a ton of message templates for different scenarios. You may have heard of an app people using called boards. Same idea where you just pre packaged. Pre put together a little message that you want to send out over and over to people, and we can save those off as templates.

Kristyn: Yeah. So

Kristyn: let's say that I just wanted to send them the link to the slender ice drops. Page.

Kristyn: I'm not sure if we've created one yet, Nick, let's see slender ice.

Nick: So

Kristyn: what you're looking for right now would probably be more like a a trigger link.

Kristyn: Okay, so I'm just keeping this simple work. I'm gonna show you some template messages in just a minute. But let's just say, Oh, shoot!

Kristyn: See, I do this. I, when you hit, enter it, sends the text message, enter does not go down to the next line. So

Kristyn: oh, well, okay. So let's say, I wanted to let me just type this message in again.

Kristyn: Okay, sure thing. Here's the info. I'm going to click on this little sign right here. That's the plus sign.

Kristyn: And then I'm going to select trigger links. It's right down here at the very bottom. If I click on trigger links. It's going to pull up this long list of all of the pages that are in your funnel system every single page.

Kristyn: And then all you need to do is choose the web page that you want to send to this person. So this way, you don't ever have to worry about what is your URL for the purity page, or what is the URL for the loosome page? What's the you know the URL for the shop? Live?

Kristyn: They're all here. Every single page that has any sort of presentation content in it

Kristyn: is right here in your trigger links. So because I want to send the slender eyes page.

Kristyn: I'm going to come down here. And I can, just because there's so many. Let me show you this again.

Kristyn: I'm just gonna search. I'm gonna type in slender ice. and that's just gonna bring up the slender eyes pages. And I'm looking for slender eyes web.

Kristyn: Now we've got day and night drops. If you are selling the day and night drops in like Europe or Australia. and then we've got the slender eyes web page for us and Canada for the actual drops.

Kristyn: So I'm just gonna click on that trigger link for slender eyes. Web page.

Kristyn: There's the link, and I press send, and that sends out the text message to the customer

Kristyn: for the client. So again, super simple

Kristyn: waiting for it to send.

Nick: And what that's gonna do, is it? It. The trigger link is a is a what we call it's a tracking link, right? So when the other person clicks on it.

Nick: it will notify you to say, Hey, so and so clicked on your thing. So you know, they've actually seen the thing that you've sent them. And all of these links that Kristyn has shown.

Nick: These are some of the same stuff that's also in the the partner Co share app, right? So I know there's a lot of different apps people are using. There's the partner Co official corporate share app. There's boards

Nick: in pipeline funnels. What we've done is try to combine the best of the best. So any of those corporate Pdfs you you may have seen. As Kristyn was scrolling through all the slenderized stuff, all those Pdfs in the different markets. We've just grabbed those links. We've included them in here. So you don't have to go outside of here to to pull anything. The goal for us which is to have everything right there at your fingertips.

Nick: One more thing, Kristyn, if you don't mind. And this is just a new thing that we've added, which is super helpful. Let's say you're catching up on your conversations, and it's like 11 pm. At night.

Nick: I don't know. Some people are crazy like me, and you work late.

Nick: I can't be texting my leads at 11 pm. At night, but if you'll notice that little blue send button at the bottom, there is a little clock icon right next to it that you can basically so if you were to just type out a little something there, Kristyn.

Nick: you can have the message sent later, you can schedule it to go out. So this is super cool. If you wanna just, you know, make sure you're gonna text somebody at a certain time of the day, or first thing in the morning, whatever that is, you can schedule your text messages, which is another new feature. I think that'll help a lot of folks.

Kristyn: So alright. So let me let me just kind of show you this. Actually, I'll come back and show you.

Kristyn: We'll click on this link in a minute

Kristyn: if you're wondering why it says unsuccessful here, it's because, this particular account we've not done the atop compliance. So

Kristyn: like, if we're sending a link. Anyway, it's not. They're not. They're blocking some of my messages from getting sent.

Kristyn: because this one's not compliant. but for our testing purposes today will be okay. Alright. So to quickly review. Then, if you want to send a trigger link, you know you send your message? What type? Whatever you want?

Kristyn: And let me also specify we've got down here in the message box SMS, which, of course, is text messaging. And then we've also got email. So you can choose how you want to communicate with your customers. If you click on email, then you can type up an email message. And again, trigger links work the same way. Type up your message. Choose the little plus sign

Kristyn: and click on trigger links. And then you're going to choose the link that you want to send. Alright.

Kristyn: but I think text messaging gets a much better results and response than email does.

Kristyn: So. That's the basic. That is the most basic way to communicate with your leads.

Kristyn: If

Kristyn: if we have a template message, let me show you how these work. So

Kristyn: after you select text or email, then you just click on this icon down here. It says, insert template. When I hover over it. It looks like a little piece of paper

Kristyn: or a document, and when you click on that

Kristyn: it gives you this dropdown box you can search in the templates here, or I mean, we've got quite a few, and you can add your own to this as well. So if you're using boards.

Kristyn: and there are messages that you send all the time. I'll show you how. You can easily add them as a new template. But, anyway, let's just say that I've got someone that

Kristyn: I want to send a shop live link to. So we're going to send this shop live link on gut health.

Kristyn: I'm just going to type in shop live. It pulls this up. I choose the I select got help.

Kristyn: Click, use? Template

Kristyn: entered a message. Why didn't that work, Nick. I'll try that. Try that one more time.

Kristyn: I think sometimes when you're on zoom, the delay is longer. and that could be the case, too.

Nick: If you guys want to see what these look like. Maybe Kristyn just pop over to at the top there, where it says templates and snippets.

Nick: This will give you a big, long list of all the snippets and things. This is just like boards but the things that we've already populated in your account for you.

Nick: That's right, and then there's there's a green button at the top. You can add more.

Nick: so whatever that you use in your business. If you want to be able to reuse it, just save it off as a little snippet or a template. And it can be email, or it can be text message, either one is fine.

Kristyn: Yeah, and they'll look it saved. Here. Yeah, see how easy this is. If you want to add a new text. you're gonna give it a name. So let's say, this is your

Kristyn: magic. Follow up message, whatever, and you just type your message in right here

Kristyn: and click save

Kristyn: you can test it, you can test it before you actually send it out to people. You can attach files. You'll notice there's an an option for an attachment right here. And then you know, that message just gets added here to your other templates that we've already got in here for you.

Kristyn: Super easy.

Kristyn: Nick, do you wanna see if there's any questions that we can answer right now? That's related to this topic.

Nick: Yeah, couple of them real quick. First, can you go to click on recent again. Let's let's just get into one of those conversations. One more time.

Kristyn: Some folks have connected their

Nick: Facebook account to this or your Instagram account to this. You can do that under the settings menu at the bottom.

Nick: and what will happen is right there where Kristyn was just sending the text messages to herself.

Kristyn: You'll see the very bottom. Can you click on SMS again? There, Kristyn.

Nick: So we see right there across the bottom, there's SMS. And there's email, we see that because she's got a phone number and an email in there. But if she had Facebook connected.

Nick: there would be Facebook messenger right there in the list. There would be Instagram Dms in the list for those few people who might be using Google my business, which is really more of a tool for like local businesses.

Nick: That would show up in the list. Mustafa is asking, what about Whatsapp or telegram integration in the future?

Nick: Whatsapp is coming. II am not sure if telegram has an open Api, meaning that you can use a third party tool to send messages into telegram. I haven't seen that yet, but

Nick: if we can do it, that's that's probably gonna be on our on our roadmap. So. But Whatsapp definitely right right in the future. Yeah, that's that's definitely on the roadmap. I'll have to check with our with our developers to see when that's gonna be live.

Nick: But II do know that is something on the roadmap, and a lot of people use Whatsapp. So that'd be really helpful to have just a you know, kind of like a unified feed. Everything's in one place.

Nick: Okay. So that's most of his question, I think. Did

Victor Davanzo: sorry that Vick. Do you see them. When Doug's done, I just had one quick question to ask.

Nick: Yeah, let's see, Doug, you had a question, sir.

Nick: going once

Doug "Hawk" Hawkinson: it it it has to do with apu

Nick: Oh, alright! We'll come back. So what Doug's talking about? There's some new regulatory stuff that the phone carriers have put out. You guys probably have heard about that already from us?

Nick: we have to go through a registration process for for each account, just to make sure you're a good guy and not a spammer. So

Nick: let's let's deal with those right there at the end of the call. Doug.

Victor Davanzo: Vic, did you have a question, sir. Yeah. Is there anywhere in in the

Victor Davanzo: in pipeline funnels where you can connect to these calls? Or is that from a separate email

Victor Davanzo: like for your Friday call. Can you access that from pipeline funnels? Or you gotta go to an email good question. So I have been placing them. We've got the website, pipeline funnelscom forward. Slash! Funnel Friday. So I'll just. I'll put that link in the.

Victor Davanzo: I was just wondering if there was a quick way, if you were in here that you just you can hop on the call from.

Victor Davanzo: That's a that's a good idea. Actually, we should add that to the menu there. So we do have a help library right there on the left hand. Menu! Where's the help? Where's the help, member? Where is it? At the help.

Kristyn: hey? So if you're looking at your computer, or if you're logged into pipeline funnels, everybody has this little

Kristyn: circle icon that looks like a chat button, and if you click on it, it drops down our help library.

Kristyn: So there's number one. You could start by searching for articles.

Kristyn: Okay? I see settings, blogs, calendar campaigns, and content. Where's the

Victor Davanzo: What did you say? The videos are

Kristyn: okay. So for funnel Fridays, Nick is going to drop you a link?

Victor Davanzo: No. But yeah, I got that. I understand that. But what about if I want to access

Kristyn: the video, the help videos? Okay. so like, what topic are you looking for in the help video just to the whole library?

Victor Davanzo: Do I have access to the library from you? Or I gotta go to the website.

Kristyn: Okay? So there's 2 things, can. Actually, can we? Can we steer back

Kristyn: and finish our our later? That'd be okay.

Kristyn: Okay. Cause the way you're asking the question that could go into a little bit of a discussion. So alright, so getting back here on track. Then here, with our conversations. The main basic thing that I hope that you get out of this if you're just getting started, maybe feeling overwhelmed

Kristyn: and want to know how to use pipeline funnels. My challenge for you this week is to when you have conversations, and you need to share

Kristyn: some information with someone that you use this ability to add a contact and then send them a text message with

Kristyn: the appropriate information which is probably pointing to a funnel or one of the Pdfs that we've got in here by using trigger links.

Kristyn: so that's my number one challenge for you this week is, do that, and I would love it if you, when you have completed that, if you'll send us a message and we just reply back

Kristyn: to us. You know all of you got a text message today about joining this call. That phone number is our pipeline funnel support text number. So if you'll text me back, let me know. I'd love to know how that goes for you.

Kristyn: okay, John, I got your question here.

Kristyn: Show you how to import lists. Yes, I will show you that

Kristyn: in just a second. So

Kristyn: the third thing. So I was kind of started off with the training, showing you the 3 things that I do every day. So number one is, I check the dashboard for tasks. Number 2 is I come here to conversations and see

Kristyn: what new communications have come in that I need to handle and respond to.

Kristyn: and then the number 3 thing that I do is I will come over here. This is the third thing that I use often is it's just the contacts tab.

Kristyn: because this is where you do your imports. This is where you add a new contact, and this is where you can see if anybody on your list has any recent activity. Maybe they've not

Kristyn: messaged you, but they've had. They've responded to a form where they've done something else. That last activity is going to show up right here. So that's why I like to come and check out this page. So if you were going to just add one contact. You. Let's see you meet someone while you're visiting at the post office waiting in line. You need to add them in. You just come here to contact the plus sign.

Kristyn: and it pulls up this little form. And you're going to put in the information that you have first and last name, you have to have an email or a phone number

Kristyn: in order to save a contact. So one, at least one of those is required.

Kristyn: and then there's some other information down here. If you want, if you know it and want to add it in, go ahead and do that. For example, we've got contact type

Kristyn: you could choose. Are they a lead which would mean like a business lead? Or are, you know? Are they a lead, or are they a customer?

Kristyn: If you know their time zone, go ahead and add that there's lots of cool features the system can do based on knowing which time zone they're in.

Kristyn: And then this this section right here, I don't worry about this is what keeps track of like. If somebody opts out and says, Don't send me any more emails or don't send me any more text messages.

Kristyn: That's what keeps track of those things right here. So anyway. Very simple way to add a new contact. for

Kristyn: John's question how to import leads so to import a list. You're going to come right over here to

Kristyn: in our import contacts. There's also about your contacts, which Nick said, always a good idea to back everything up

Kristyn: this list will allow you or this button allows you to export them. But very simple way to import your contacts. Just click on that little upload button.

Kristyn: and it starts you through a very simple process. 1, 2, 3. Now I'm going to point you in the direction of the training

Kristyn: for this, John, because I don't have a list ready to demonstrate this today. But I'll show you right here if you come to Training Academy.

Kristyn: I'm over here in the left hand side of the page. We come to Training Academy

Kristyn: and just waiting for it to pull up here. Click here on your getting started course.

Kristyn: and you're gonna scroll all the way down to the bottom.

Kristyn: which is importing contacts and leads. This gives you your step by step, training on how to import a list. So if you've got just a regular Csv file, watch this video, if you want to import your contacts from your phone, watch this video, if you want to import your contacts from Facebook.

Kristyn: Watch this video, and I'll just quickly say, I'm not like, I'm not a huge fan of importing all of your contacts, because from Facebook. And the only reason why is because if you'll remember, I said, in order to import a contact.

Kristyn: you have to have an email address or a phone number. And Facebook does not

Kristyn: give you direct access to your friends.

Kristyn: emails and phone numbers unless they have purposely gone into their privacy settings and checked the box that says, Share my phone number and share my email address by default. Those are turned off. And most people don't want

Kristyn: to give free rein to their you know anybody that they friend. So if you were to export your list out of Facebook, there's not going to be a whole lot of people that you could actually import into pipeline funnels. So it's there. But I'm just telling you you probably won't get a lot of juice out of that one. But then you can see there's also other videos here for managing and importing other lists. So John, does that answer your question for you on importing.

Kristyn: Yeah, thanks. So much perfect.

Kristyn: All right. So

Kristyn: the other thing that I wanted to show you is in manage some of the things that you can do to manage your contacts. So let's come back over here to the the test account

Kristyn: that I set up to date.

Kristyn: If I click on my name. If I click on the contacts, name it brings you here to this contact record.

Kristyn: and I'll also show you another easy way to access. It is if you are

Kristyn: here on your conversations, Tab.

Kristyn: So I need to go to recepts. Now, since I've

Kristyn: okay, another easy way to get here is

Kristyn: I can just click right here on this circle with the person's initials, and that will also

Kristyn: drop them. Drop you into your

Kristyn: page where you can manage everything about this contact. So just a few things that I want to quickly show off to you would be the tagging system. So right here. We talked earlier about assigning tags.

Kristyn: Now. If you just click on the dropdown box, you'll notice there's already some tags here, because these are tags that our system will already a automatically assign to someone as they come into your pipeline funnels account.

Kristyn: For example, when, if you've got the partner Co integration set up when partner Co. Sends a brand partner over to you. Then we're going to automatically give them the tag brand partner

Kristyn: when partner Co. Sends over a customer

Kristyn: of yours. Then our system is automatically going to tag them with customer. If they go through the elite man Funnel, they're automatically going to get tagged with elite man

Kristyn: and so forth. Another thing I'm going to show you today is the fat, burning food list. This is something cool that we're working on. So when they opt in and ask for the fat burning food list, then we're going to tag them with the fat burning food list, so you can see that there's automatically some tags that are here. But let's say that you wanted to give them a special tag like

Kristyn: let's see what would be nix, Watson. Example of a tag.

Nick: water bottle.

Kristyn: Okay? So this is somebody that bought the water bottle. whereas express interest. You could put water, just type it in

Kristyn: and hit. Enter. And now I've been given the ta. This contact has the tag of water bottle.

Kristyn: So it's so easy to to categorize your your people that way. If I were to come back over here to contacts now

Kristyn: and look at my list, you can see I've got a water bottle tab now.

Kristyn: and this guy, whoever this is

Kristyn: that came in last month. He got the tag of slender ice, so an easy way to see

Kristyn: everybody with this tag. You could just do a quick search. Show me? Yeah. Oh, let's see. Show me everybody with water bottle.

Kristyn: and then it's gonna pull up a list of everybody that has the water bottle tag.

Kristyn: If I wanted to see everybody that as opted in for slender eyes. I type in the tag. And now it's gonna give me a list of you know everybody that has the slender ice tag. So

Kristyn: I wish that this account had a whole bunch of people with the fat, burning food list tag. because

Kristyn: if I did, it would populate them. And then I. Let's just say, here, let me just show you a quick example.

Kristyn: So let's say I want to send out a message to everybody that has the water bottle tag. I type in water bottle. It's gonna let's say, I've got 20 people here. I'm gonna put a check mark.

Kristyn: It's going to select all of the people here on my water bottle list.

Kristyn: and I'm going to choose. Send SMS right here or send an email. But I'm going to use a text message.

Kristyn: I click on the send. SMS button.

Kristyn: And I, it's gonna say, here's all the people, all your contacts that are gonna get your text message. I click. Okay? And I'm gonna say, Hey, we're having

Kristyn: having a sail on the water bottle filters this weekend.

Kristyn: let me know if you'd like

Kristyn: the coupon code to get 30% off, or you know whatever

Kristyn: whatever it is that you want your message to say, you click, send. We're gonna say. water bottle promo.

Kristyn: Do that. Just basically a note for what it is that it's about. You can choose to send it all at once or to schedule it. So let's say, the sales actually next week, and you're gonna be on vacation. So schedule it for to go out next week, you can choose the date and time, and then

Kristyn: click, send SMS. And that is going to schedule that message out. and you'll watch here in a second. I'm gonna get a text message.

Kristyn: for that little promotion. Does that make sense?

Kristyn: Okay, so super easy way to to use tags to stay in contact with certain groups of people on your list.

Nick: Kristyn. Just a another example. Something that I've done in in my own pipeline funnels account is I tagged my! I've got my downline in there.

Kristyn: and so II tagged them with whether they're in my left leg or the right leg.

Nick: And the reason for that would be. Let's say, you know, we we just brought somebody in, and we sponsored them in the on the left leg. Well, I'd like to let I'd like to go up a few levels and let those people know. Hey, we just put a new person in your downline.

Nick: You're welcome, you know, so I can. I can just pull up that list really quickly and get right to them. Or another way. Let's say you, you've got somebody who you're sort of mentoring who's a a leader up and coming in your group.

Nick: I can tag them, you know, with with their specific downline. So I had a guy last year who was the same exact scenario. He was just sponsoring a whole bunch of people

Nick: and really rapid time. And so I wanted to just focus in on him and and help work directly with him. So I tagged all those people that way. I could message them, you know, all at once. So a lot of different ways to to use this. It's not just for new customers. You can use this for your existing teams as well to send out bulk, text messages and about, you know, stuff that's going on special meetings we're having and and whatnot.

Kristyn: Hey?

Kristyn: Alright! Thanks for that, Nick. Alright, I'm just checking off my list here. Wanna make sure I've covered everything

Kristyn: that I wanted to. We're already in an hour. But there's just one last thing that I want to show you actually 2 quickly. Kristyn, I'm sorry people asking, Is there a way to merge contacts if he's got duplicates so people that he had from email, and then others that were social media. But it's the same person.

Kristyn: Yes. So let's just. I wish I had an example here. Well, let's just I'll do it for fun. Let me show you

Kristyn: me to turn off my camps.

Kristyn: Okay, so now we've got 2 contacts in the system. Here. let me just quickly show you how that's done.

Kristyn: Come back.

Kristyn: Okay. So now we've got Kristyn B. And Kristyn bore. If I want to merge them, I'm going to select the 2, the people that I need to merge, and I'm going to click on this button right here, it says, merge up to 10 contacts.

Kristyn: So if you've got

Kristyn: 10, you could do this. Let's say the same person was in your system 10 times you could click all 10 profiles and click on this button, and it brings you to a page here, and it's going to allow you to choose. What information do you keep, and what information. Do you let go so

Kristyn: in the new record? I want it to be this name. So I'm going to choose Chris. This one right here. The last name, which one is more complete this one is more complete. So I want it to be this.

Kristyn: the email Gosh! I've got to choose. Which email do I want? So you're you're gonna have to make that decision. Let's say I want to keep it at the Gmail. This one.

Kristyn: I obviously want to keep the record that has the phone number. So I click that one tags. We want to keep all of their tags. So I'm going to keep that there

Kristyn: date added. We don't get a choose, a chance to choose either of that.

Kristyn: And then the conversations I want to. If there's any conversations that you want to merge together, then you're gonna click on

Kristyn: you know, keeping the conversations.

Kristyn: And then it's just that's all you do. So you're just gonna choose what you want to keep

Kristyn: to merge into the record type, confirm

Kristyn: in the box and resolve. and that merges the contacts super simple.

Kristyn: So now, if we come back here

Kristyn: to our contact list again.

Kristyn: you'll see there's just one Kristyn on the list


Kristyn: any other questions, Nick.

Nick: No, I think we're good to go. Did you want to show the the new thing?

Kristyn: Yeah. So really, quickly, to lead into what it is that we're working on. I want to

Kristyn: show you.

Kristyn: are the new slender ice page. Now, hopefully, all of you have got the new slender ice page set up.

Kristyn: That's not the right one. This is the one. Okay.

Kristyn: So I wanted to give you a few examples of some things that are already in the works

Kristyn: of how you can, how we're building pipeline funnels so that you can add contacts and get them into pipeline funnels.

Kristyn: Here's this one right here. Okay, so if you've not seen this already, we've got this new slender ice drops page if and the person goes to exit the page I had actually just bumped my mouse. And it

Kristyn: it moved my my mouse up here like I was going to click to X off the page

Kristyn: when the when the the technology recognizes

Kristyn: the person is moving their mouse up to click off.

Kristyn: This pop-up appears to save 15%. And what we're doing is we're saying, Hey, if you'll give me your email address, I'm gonna give you a coupon code. right? So if they're gonna abandon your page and they're not going to buy.

Kristyn: This is a great way to incentivize them, so we don't want them to leave without giving us their information.

Kristyn: So I'm just going to enter in, hey? I want this coupon code. I'm going to enter in my email address

Kristyn: and click, get coupon code. Now, what happens? There is the email is going to be sent to my.

Kristyn: I'm going to get an email message with your coupon code and a link to go by the drops. So

Kristyn: that's one way you could get someone's email address. Now, the second is with the Chat Widget and Nick.

Kristyn: I was hoping it would show up here. But I'm not seeing it. We may need to go. Turn it on.

Kristyn: Do you? Wanna hurry? Turn it on for me? Yeah, let me let me just get there. Okay. so if you have activated

Kristyn: and maybe this is like a whole nother funnel, Friday call is just how to activate your chat widget. But if you've activated the Chat widget it will. The chat Widget is going to show up on every single one of your funnel pages for you

Kristyn: at any time someone

Kristyn: interacts with your chat widget.

Kristyn: That information is saved as

Kristyn: a conversation in your conversations. Tab.

Kristyn: So it doesn't matter if you're available to take their call right away. If they send a message through chat. we're capturing that lead for you that way on every single page. So you want to make sure that you've got that chat. Widget turned on

Kristyn: alright, Kristyn, if you just refresh the page that there it is right there. Okay, so right here you can see we've got this little chat Widget turned on. You can customize this with your own picture. You can customize what this text says. Right here you can fully customize the color you can. You can customize everything. So let's just say I come to the page. I'm gonna give him my name this time. I'm gonna be Jeff.

Kristyn: Just so we get a new contact in here. What's my phone number? I'm gonna put my husband's phone number here.

Kristyn: hey?

Kristyn: So there they've left. They've left the question.

Kristyn: and if we come see? Because I went to exit the page that pop up appeared again.

Kristyn: But if I were to come back over here into pipeline funnels. Let's see, which account am I in this one?

Kristyn: And we come back over to conversations. I'll show you how brilliant this is!

Kristyn: Alright! So that conversation that just came through the chat widget is right here in the unread conversations, Jeff says, Hey, I'd like to buy the drops. Do you accept venmo? And I've got his name, and I've got his

Kristyn: phone number.

Kristyn: So see how that works. So you definitely wanna make sure that you've got your chat, Widget turned on so that it can be generating leads for you. Also. You'll notice here in contacts

Kristyn: for the person I you know, I just opted in to get the the coupon code. So I don't have the person's name or phone number. But I do have an email address for them. and you can see that they're tagged with slender eyes.

Kristyn: If I wanted to look at this person's account.

Kristyn: I just click on that. And you can see. Here's the email that was sent

Kristyn: and what's cool about this is, Nick has got this lined up into a follow up as well. So if they don't buy it right away now, the system's gonna follow up with them and keep pushing them back to that slenderized page to buy the drops.

Kristyn: So before I show you my last cool thing, does anyone have any questions about basic functionality of using pipeline funnels?

Nick: Let's see everybody good. I think the people. We do have some updates to the to the UK. In Australia version of the slender eyes page. I just haven't pushed that out to everyone just yet, but in particular, we've got a lot of folks in the Australia market who are using using that. And they've given us some updates that we're testing right now. So stay tuned for an update

Nick: on on that for the European and Australia market.

Kristyn: Okay. alright. So here's the last thing that I want to show you.

Kristyn: So we're working on. I briefly mentioned a few minutes ago that we're working on some methods so that you can generate more leads. This first one that we're going to introduce. Is called the fat Burning Food List. So it's

Kristyn: a super cool thing that you can just offer to your your contacts. You can promote it. And in order for people to get the fat burning food list, they've got to give you their phone number

Kristyn: or email address. And when they do that, then the system automatically sends it out.

Kristyn: And there's also a lot of other value added things that are automatically in that campaign to go out to the person as well.

Kristyn: And we. I think we'll have it ready for you to at least test next week. So each of you can actually see it for yourself.

Kristyn: But what I wanted to do today was just let you see how it works inside of pipeline funnels really quick.

Kristyn: So

Kristyn: from

Nick: no one is heights.

Kristyn: Let's see, I've got to remember which contact I wanted to do this in?

Kristyn: okay, so this.

Kristyn: what's this phone number? Alright. So using this

Kristyn: this accounts, phone number, I'm gonna type in on my phone.

Kristyn: the word burn like fat, burning food lists.

Kristyn: So let's just say somewhere, I saw an ad

Kristyn: to text

Kristyn: a certain phone number.

Kristyn: the word bird

Nick: before right like text, the word such and such to such and such phone number. Right? So what Chris is showing here is we? We can do that now, inside of your pipeline funnels account. So you can set up what we call a keyword

Nick: and have a whole automation sequence, so that those people who just want to do text messaging or just want to focus on social media. No problem. How do we get leads from Facebook into our pipeline funnels?

Kristyn: Text the word such and such to my office phone number. And now she'll show you what's happening right now. Yeah. Yeah. So in this case on my cell phone, I just typed in the keyword was burn. So now, automatically, here's what the system sent. Hey, this is, Nick. This is an automated text from my office line. Isn't technology cool?

Kristyn: You could still reply anytime, and I'll receive it, and then immediately followed, that is, congrats. On taking your first step towards better health, and learning about foods that burn fat instead of the ones that store fat. Here's the fat, burning food list you requested.

Kristyn: So if I were to click on that on my phone.

Kristyn: It's going to take me to the fat, burning food list

Kristyn: which downloaded it. So

Kristyn: I'll show it to you really quick. So here's the Fat Birdie food list. Okay.

Nick: do you wanna explain Kristyn? Sort of how we how we chose this particular lead magnet?

Kristyn: Sure. So

Kristyn: one of the things that Laura Sales really wanted to focus on a couple of years ago, was selling the slender ice program. And so she came up with this idea of the fat, burning food list.

Kristyn: and we promoted it to heavily.

Kristyn: And she probably ended up generating over 10,000 leads off of the fat, burning food list.

Kristyn: so we decided to take that concept and rebrand it, because, of course, her list was completely branded to her. And so we've taken that whole concept and created something that works now for anyone in site of partner code. So let's see, where did

Kristyn: where did that list? Just go right here. So now you can see we're trying to use, you know, partner, Co colors.

Kristyn: and

Kristyn: you know, create something that will work for all of you to generate leads with. So

Kristyn: was that what you wanted me to talk about? Nick? Yeah. And and so out of, I mean, this is not the only lead magnet that Laura had created. She actually she wrote a book. She did all kinds of different courses and things like that, and out of everything she did for several years. This was the single, most effective

Nick: lead magnet that she tried got the most leads she was actually doing paid advertising on Facebook as well. So the best lead cost for this. So the idea is, we're not leading with slender eyes, necessarily. But here's some fat, burning foods, and then examples of the foods, some testimonials, and then there's a sort of a soft pitch here at the end.

Nick: By the way, we've got these things we're calling scanny drops. And and look what they're doing. So it's kind of a soft pitch right there and then there's a follow-up sequence that Kristyn will talk about where we continue to add value, sending them emails or text messages over the course of the week.

Kristyn: Yeah, with the whole goal to be to sell them some slender eyes drops, but in an automated, automated kind of way, yeah. And so you know, the things that you're already doing right now to promote your business are great. But what happens when your Facebook friends are tired of seeing the same old thing you're promoting

Kristyn: for the last 3 months. Right? This is where these lead magnets come in handy. Our our goal is to have

Kristyn: a variety of very effective lead magnets. You know this targets, people that are specifically wanting to burn fat. Imagine having a lead magnet that has to do with hormones or a lead magnet that has to do with menopause or lead magnet that has to do with

Kristyn: weightlifting. You know there's all kinds of things that we could create lead magnets for, that you can promote and and deliver value to people all the time, and not all the other thing that's cool is there's so many different ways that you could promote the lead magnet. It just doesn't have to be a single post

Kristyn: by using stories and reels and posts. And you know, ads in different ways, you can promote it in different ways, but it still leads to the fat, burning foods list.

Kristyn: So we're super excited about the possibilities of what we're getting ready to share and give to all of you. So basically

Kristyn: I wanted to show the fat, burning food list, and I won't take time to do it now, because

Kristyn: I feel like I've already taken up way. Too much of your time. But the

Kristyn: the what happens when someone enters into this campaign is it is the the purpose of the text campaign is to just

Kristyn: establish a dialogue with the person and to deliver value to them, because what we have found in observing and testing over the last couple of months is sometimes people will ask for info, but they don't end up buying right away. Even though we've got this great slender ice page. They may not.

Kristyn: just because you put out a reel for 10 s or a tiktok, and they've said, Hey, I want more info. You send them over to the sunrise page. They don't buy immediately.

Kristyn: And the reason why is because sometimes people need to be exposed to something up to 7 times before they will actually buy. And so our whole purpose is share something that someone finds valuable, hey? They wanna they'll take a free, fat, burning food list. And then because they're not gonna buy right away.

Kristyn: we want to send them other things that will develop a relationship that will get them communicating with you. So you'll notice right? Just a few minutes after we send the fat, burning food list. Another message went out automatically that says, Hey, totally curious!

Kristyn: Are you looking to lose weight, or just trying to eat healthier? If some people will reply to you and let you know this is a way for you to start dialogging back and forth and finding out. What is it that they really need and want? And how can you help them right? So some of these messages in the follow up sequence that's automated are just there to get a dialogue going back and forth so that you can find out what they need and want. There's other times that we send them something valuable. So in this case

Kristyn: I'm just going to quickly add it in

Kristyn: right now. So I'm texting oops. I did the wrong word. The net one of the key, another keyword that we've added into the campaign at some point is yummy.

Kristyn: And when when someone texts them the keyword Yummy, then we're going to automatically send

Kristyn: 3 of our very most favorite fat, burning recipes to them.

Kristyn: So here's the message. It just comes in. You've got it. I'm happy to share my favorite fat, burning recipes with you. I'm going to send my top 3, and if you'd like more, just let me know sending over now.

Kristyn: So here's the first one. It's Chicken Teriyaki. and I want to show you what this page looks like. So when they click on the link.

Kristyn: they're going to go to this beautiful page. All of you will have this inside of your pipeline funnels account. You'll notice. This is, you know, Nick Demo will nick demo wellness. It's going to have your name here. It will have your pipeline funnels phone number over here on the right hand side.

Kristyn: and here's the recipe for chicken Teriyaki. If they'd like to download the recipe, they can click here to download it. It shows the ingredients. It has the instructions of how to make the recipe.

Kristyn: and it also has a little teaser here for the drops. So again, if they decide, they want to get the drops, they could click

Kristyn: on this link, and it takes them over to the slender ice page.

Kristyn: And in this particular account, if Nick had

Kristyn: entered in. And there's a little spot where we're we're asking for you to give us your Facebook page or your Facebook group. There's a lot of you that have a Facebook group. Facebook groups are awesome because it shows it's a place for leads to come in and say, See, hey! There's a whole tribe of people that are loving this right? It just

Kristyn: gets them excited about the product. They can ask questions. They can see that it's working lots of social proof in the group. So right here in this spot on the page is a place where they can click

Kristyn: to get access to your Facebook group.

Kristyn: So this is what we're working on. We're we're going to be beta testing this so that we could see what works really well and what doesn't before we roll it out to everybody. But this is what we're really excited to share with you. Our goal is

Kristyn: to help you get contacts to fill your pipeline, and by doing that we want to provide you with resources like the fat Bernie food list

Kristyn: so that you can get people opting in

Kristyn: for some of these cool value added things.

Kristyn: So, Nick, that's everything that was on my list to share.

Kristyn: Is there anybody that has questions or things you'd like to discuss?

Nick: I know that the the event is coming up next weekend, so we won't have Funnel Friday next Friday. For everybody that's gonna be in Florida. But the one thing II do wanna have live is for the ability to anybody who's there to text in, you know, a a keyword like that and see the automation happen on your own phone so you can see it yourself. Experience it yourself. See what that feels like.

Nick: And you know, click on it. Look at the recipes, etc., etc. I just put a link in the chat. To one of our template pages for that that same recipe, the chicken Teriyaki. And if you look in on the at the very bottom of the page. The footer we call it. You'll see the link to the Facebook button.

Nick: So this we're on a demo account that Kristyn was showing you. But if you if you try that link that's in the

Nick: in the Zoom chat.

Nick: you'll see it. The idea is that so many people have Facebook groups that they're trying to get their

Nick: there are prospects into but there's different groups, right? Some people are using the the main.

Nick: What was it. I forget the name of the group now, what's it called?

Nick: Anyway? Some people are using a public group, and others have their teams have their own private group. So we just made that open ended. So you can use either one.

Nick: Okay? any questions, guys.

Nick: before we wrap it up today. If you. If you've got some issues with your a 2 P registration, stick around, we'll we'll answer those. But let's just finish right here before we move into that.

Kristyn: And let's see. And I promise somebody who did, I promise? Nick?

Kristyn: Victor, who wanted info on

Kristyn: training videos, training library. Is he still here.

Kristyn: Victor, are you still here

Kristyn: through the coupon?

Nick: Okay.

Nick: awesome. Alright. Well, let's go ahead and wrap it up there. I'm gonna stop the recording. Thank you. Everybody for sticking around for everybody going to Florida.

Nick: Gonna be awesome. I hope everybody's excited. And looking forward, I think we're all looking forward to seeing what they're gonna roll out. And some of these messaging campaigns. Kristyn, it's gonna be a good time to send out some some list reactivation messages to team members to be like, Hey, look what the company is doing. Now check out this new product, check out this new incentive. So

Nick: obviously timing is good to put some of this to use. So with that, thank you. Everybody have a great week. I'm gonna stop the recording right here.

Back to Blog

Episode #42


This week, Nick gives us a demo of the new Slenderiiz drops page you can use to educate your prospects about the drops AND collect email addresses from prospecs.

Episode #41


This week is on lead generation and advertising… plus cool updates to our PartnerCo integration you’re going to want to know about!

(Lead gen section starts at 42:27)

Episode #40


Lots of updates this week! We've got a new Help Center with all our support docs, a news feed from our developers, TikTok integration, PartnerCo integration and more!

Episode #39


This week, our buddy Craig gives us a demo of how he's using physical greeting cards and "lumpy mail" to enhance his prospecting and business relationships.

Episode #38


How do you recruit professionals into your business? This week, I'm interviewing two -- an insurance broker and a real estate / mortgage pro to get some insider secrets!

Episode #37


This week, we revisit the Puritii Water Bottle funnel and talk about some new updates, including an international version for Canada, UK, and AU. Plus, open office hours.

Episode #36


BIG NEWS -- Now you can see all your PartnerCo orders inside Pipeline Funnels! Here's a sneak peek of our new integration, coming in May 2023. This is a game changer for all brand partners.

Episode #35


It's been an exciting week for the RENEW System of Growth! New tools released... plus we recap the new PartnerCo integration coming to your account in the next couple of weeks.

Episode #34


Call it the luck of the Irish, but we've got a brand new integration with to show you! This is huge! Plus, today we're talking about how to setup a blog. ☘️

Episode #33


What's the best way to approach your WARM MARKET? After you've loaded your contacts into Pipeline Funnels, what is the next step? Today we're talking about the Inviting Formula from Tim Sales.

Episode #32


We've got a whole new PartnerCo business funnel ready for you! Here's how it works, and how to set it up! (Note: this is a 2-part video. The link for Part 2 is in the video description under Part 1.)

Episode #31


Today we're talking about how to make better marketing campaigns, and we've arrived at a concept even more important than your headline. That is... your authenticity and authority (and how to develop that.)

Episode #30


Today, we go through an interesting funnel from a totally different company, breaking down how it works and seeing what ideas and inspiration we can glean. PLUS, how to organize your leads and send broadcast emails and texts.

Episode #29


Today, we're talking about the Live Chat widget you can add to your funnels to generate leads (and why I love it). PLUS, we're also exploring some exciting new lead generation strategies for cold market!

Episode #28


This week we've got folks already working toward the "Catalyst Club," and so we're talking about using Tim's "Performance Tracker" document to make a plan to focus on income-generating activities to get there.

Episode #27


Today we're talking about personal branding and what makes you unique in the marketplace. Are you in network marketing? Or are you an independent entrepreneur who's partnered with a NWM company?

Episode #26


This week, we're breaking down various scenarios where you might be talking with a prospect (warm and cold market) about Renew... and what to send them in each situation.

Episode #25


We've been hard at work behind the scenes to create a proper Sales Page for Renew that you can use for both warm and cold market leads. Here's a demo (and how to use it).

Episode #24


Now that you've got your Renew System of Growth PRO funnel set up, it's time to talk about how to promote it to your prospects. And I think stories are the single best way.

Episode #23


We've got new members and brand partners on board, so today we're giving an overview of the Renew System of Growth PRO funnel.

Episode #22


This week, we've got more updates and improvements to the RENEW System of Growth PRO to encourage early sales. (thank you page and age/gender testimonials)

Episode #21


This week, we've got some helpful updates and improvements to the RENEW System of Growth PRO to share with you. (pagination and improvements to the custom report)

Episode #20


Today is all about how to take the RENEW System of Growth to the next level! (warm/cold market, credibility, staying organized, and follow up automatically)

Episode #19


Today, Nick goes over how to create a marketing campaign to promote Renew (using your new funnel)!

Episode #18


I'm excited to announce the Renew funnel is ready for beta testing! Check out the health assessment quiz and report, plus you can now process orders on your site!

Episode #17


In this episode, we're giving you a sneak peek at the new Renew funnel coming soon. You're going to want to see this!

Episode #16


In this episode we show you how to setup the new business prospecting funnel for NewAge that we talked about last week.

Episode #15


Today, we're talking about strategy. Specifically, the strategy of using a 2-step funnel to build your business with. We're discussing what's working best right now, and introducing some ideas to improve.

Episode #14


Today, we're talking about using surveys to generate leads (and personalize your lead's experience along the way). We also recap your pipeline stats and finish with a real world scenario - using surveys to "update my Rolodex."

Episode #13


In this episode we’re talking about how to use a List Reactivation campaign… and how you can use the automation tools in PF to quickly find people on your list who are still interested in your business/products.

Episode #12


In this episode, we talked about the strategy side of building funnels... it's so much more than just a website! Two examples: how best to use the corporate videos, and how to build a Renew funnel.

Episode #11


In this episode, we dive into the psychology behind the Elite Man funnel and how to use it to get both long-term customers and dedicated reps to your team.

Episode #10


In this episode, we talk about the magic of the "LinkTree" page that comes with your Pipeline Funnels account -- how to set it up and use it the right way.

Episode #9


In this episode, we dive into the psychology behind the "Side Hustle Millionaire" funnel, and how you can use it to posture yourself as a professional.

Episode #8


In this "Good Friday" episode, we talk about 3 challenges network marketers face when starting their business, and how Pipeline Funnels solves them all.

Episode #7


In this episode, we talk about how to use the Power Dialer, then get into how to create campaigns to run traffic to your funnels (weight loss example).

Episode #6


In this episode, we talk about your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) with Pipeline Funnels and the specific actions you should be doing each day.

Episode #5


In this episode, we dive deep into the best ways to use the Pipeline to work your leads in a way that works for you, plus some cool customizations.

Episode #4


In this episode, we talk about how to use the NewAge SHOP LIVE videos together with Pipeline Funnels to reengage old leads and grow your business.

Episode #3


In this episode, we talk about the best ways to use Brent Palmer's THE PLAY video inside of a sales funnel to introduce people to your business faster than ever before.

Episode #2


In this episode we talk about how to import your leads into Pipeline Funnels and organize them with tags and smart lists, then send them an email or text, all at once.

Episode #1


In our first episode of Funnel Fridays, we talk about all the cool new stuff inside Pipeline Funnels, including the Puritii Water Bottle funnel, live chat support, your Q&A and much more!

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