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Ep 44: Slenderiiz S.O.G. Updates - Part 2

August 11, 202332 min read

This week we're digging in to how Pipeline Funnels can help improve your Slenderiiz System of Growth. We have a number of assets (and full weight loss programs) you can incorporate to help sell the drops!


Nick D: Alright, and we're live. Welcome to the call, everybody. It's Friday, August eleventh, and it is hot here in Central Texas. I hope, wherever you are that you've got some cold, functioning air conditioning.

Nick D: All right, let's jump into it.

Nick D: We were just talking about kind of a fun shift with the company is this big focus to slender eyes in the last several weeks, and the renew system of growth is now the slender eyes system of growth. And so we're doing some things on on our side for for pipeline funnels to help accommodate that. So I wanna share my screen and just kinda get right into it and show you guys a few things. So what I was saying is that Tim and Laura both built

Nick D: weight loss programs. And so I wanna show you what we've been doing so before pipeline funnels. You know, we use click funnels. And you know, we would send people through the funnel they would pay. I think it was a 50 $50 or a hundred dollars for the program, and it was a whole bunch of cookbooks and training and videos and everything you need. I was talking about the you know Tim teaches about the pancreas like insulin resistance and and things like that. So just a

Nick D: beyond just selling, you know people, some drops, or, you know, some vitamins. It was. It was an entire program. We did all that inside of click funnels, and we've kept it there this whole time. And finally, I've had a chance to kind of get around and and move a lot of that out of clickfunnels into our own pipeline funnels platform here. And so I'm kinda excited to show you guys what this is gonna look like. First of all, we've got a new website called partner Code Training.

Nick D: That you guys will all have access to. I think the goal is to open it up to anybody in the entire company.

Nick D: So anybody in partner code can go to partner Co training it's good little username and and password no charge or anything like that just to log in. But this will be where we house all of our training. So you can see the men's version because now called elite man team fat loss. The women's version is called 3 X weight loss, and Tim built in

Nick D: a more detailed thing which we're calling the Nutrition Academy where you can, it says, you know, go deeper into the science of how your body and metabolism actually works. And so the idea here is instead of charging for the program.

Nick D: anybody can have it with any purchase of any partner code products

Nick D: period. Okay? So if if they do nothing more than just buy some drops from you. Good enough. That's their access to get into the

Nick D: full program. And we've had a lot of folks actually on this call, typically who who've gone through the elite man program and say, You know, I love the drops. But I would not have lost the weight were it not for this, these other aspects of the program. So this is an this is a resource that you guys have. It's free to use. Go for it.

Nick D: and I'll just show you real quick kind of what this looks like. So if I'm gonna click on

Nick D: this one right here. So this is the the men's version, of course, and so

Nick D: Tim has his structured a little bit differently than Laura. But we've got the the main section called Prepare to execute. So he takes you through. You know how the whole thing works, how to document your journey, taking pictures and all that kind of stuff. Well, heck! I'll just click on it and show you here. So if I open this up, you know, here's his video on on taking measurements and pictures, you know. So you get that great before and after stuff. And we've got

Nick D: instructions, video instructions, written instructions, all of that. If I come down here to this one called The Perfect Day. This is like Lesson number 5.

Nick D: Oh, I don't have it. There! Let me go back to to the welcome. I know I have it here. So the the A To Z task list and the implementation guide

Nick D: let me just show you the implementation guide. This thing is so great.

Nick D: So imagine again, you're not just

Nick D: selling people a a bottle of pills or or drops, or anything like that. You're giving them a full program to go along with it free of charge. Okay. So this implementation guide basically talks you through what foods to remove from your home office car, etc.

Nick D: It's real fun, graphics, wise, easy.

Nick D: Here's your list of approved foods. Here's your shopping list for 3 days. Go take this printed out. Go to the store. Here's exactly what to get. Here's how to take the supplements that we recommend, you know. So you're gonna write upon waking, you're gonna take your restore X. Half a liter of water. Here's what to have for breakfast. Here's what supplements to take.

Nick D: all ready to go.

Nick D: and if someone will actually follow this plan to the letter, we've had tremendous results with it, you know. Here's lunch. What to eat. You can have fish. You can have beef. You can have chicken. you know. Whatever. Have it with a salad and some some sauerkraut to improve your gut

Nick D: afternoon snack is built in there dinner is built in again, just guiding people step by step along the way on how to lose weight on the program. Alright. So things like that are in there. That's cool. Let me show you one more thing. If I come over to the

Nick D: fat, burning recipes and cookbooks again. This is all here for you.

Nick D: Put your name on it. Elite man, cookbook, 250 delicious elite man, approved Recipes, with an easy, delicious daily meal plan.

Nick D: We've got a women's version which is not quite so harsh and masculine. Right? Lars has like pinks and purples and

Nick D: flowers and stuff. So either one. It's it's the same content, same recipes. It's just a package a little differently. Okay? So there's a cookbook instant pot recipes. So if somebody doesn't have time to cook right? They're busy. No problem. So let's just go over here. Let's click on the instant pot and look at some of these right here. So 50 fat, burning, instant pot recipes boom! So

Nick D: nobody has any excuse, for I don't know what to eat on the program.

Nick D: We've got all kinds of options for them, all right.

Nick D: and even fat, burning desserts. Now,

Nick D: Tim and Laura, I will say they vary on this a little bit. So Laura just introduces this right away. Tim says. enjoy the desserts after phase. One is complete, and you've lost the weight. So what is phase one? Let me just bring this screen over. So you can kind of see, this is this is the way that Tim sold

Nick D: sold his version of the program. Let me close that code out there. So this, you know, phase one for for Tim was just losing the initial belly. Fat phase 2 for him was core strength. Phase 3 was weight training. So you can kind of see his. His own personal progress there. Along the way.

Nick D: Alright. So my point is, all of this is available at partner Co training. And so what I'm trying to do is just tidy all this up, get it finished, and then I'll send out an email to everybody with how to use this, how to send it to your leads. And I think you know, just by offering this to them, gives them tremendous

Nick D: value right over and above. We already know we love the products we already know. They work. If you'll take them. We know that, you know diet is important, and you gotta get rid of the junk food and the sugar and all that.

Nick D: But we just from Tim and Laura's own heart. I think it's just to go the extra mile and really support our customers. The best way that we know how. So all this is here for you.

Nick D: and if I go backup page here, you may have seen oops.

Nick D: Well, hold on a second. Let me get. Let me get back to it. Sorry.

Nick D: There we go.

Nick D: If I go back to my library you may have seen another preview section called New Rep Training. I've talked about this a little bit in the past, but our goal is to take all of their onboarding Tim and Laura's onboarding, and and actually any other leaders in the company I would love to just have kind of a standardized.

Nick D: And

Nick D: when you sign up a new rep boom, they've got training ready to go with videos on how to log in to partner. Co.

Nick D: if they're gonna do pipeline funnels, here's how to get logged in all that kind of stuff. Here's how the comp plan works. Boom, boom, boom! So it's just pre recorded videos ready to go for you. I know different leaders have different methods of how they do this. My goal in in partner Co training is just to have everybody be able to

Nick D: throw all their stuff in here. And we can actually give somebody like different permissions, if you will. So let's say I don't know. Let's say, Todd Roland has his onboarding version right? We could build this out. I haven't haven't spoken to Todd about this yet, so

Nick D: but if he's open to the idea, boom! Have a Todd Todd training, you know right here that only his people can have access to, or, you know, a doctor, crystal training, or whatever like that.

Nick D: So

Nick D: that's pretty exciting. Again, just a resource available to the whole company. No charge just right now. I feel like stuff is all over the place. There's, you know, random groups on Facebook. There's Youtube videos being posted. There's telegram groups. There's the you know, the corporate call on Monday. And I'm I'm just trying to have a central place where everybody can go. That's nicely organized, and that I feel good about, you know, just sending a brand new person to, so that.

Nick D: you know, I know they're gonna get sort of a controlled experience going through this and not just splintered all over in a million different directions.

Nick D: Cool. Alright.

Nick D: let's talk about slender eyes. So some again, some some mixed feelings. There's different camps here. Some people wanted a a dedicated, slenderized funnel, because they just want to sell the drops, and I know that's that's what a lot of folks a lot of leaders are talking about these days. The whole slender eyes system of growth is based on the drops.

Nick D: We've got another camp of people who came from Tim's world, let's say, who really like the the full elite man program or Laura's 3 X. They like the full program. That's fine. It doesn't really matter to me either way. I just wanna support both sides. So I'm gonna sort of step away. We've we've had the the 3 X funnel and the elite man Funnel for a while.

Nick D: You guys may have seen if I pop over here. Let's go to

Nick D: my template here, and

Nick D: I'll just show you real quick if I come here and I'm gonna get into

Nick D: sites. And I'm gonna go down here to.

Nick D: We've got business funnels and product funnels. I'm gonna go to product funnels and we're gonna go to slender eyes. I think most of you guys have seen this. If you haven't. There's a 2 versions of the slender eyes, page, Us. And Canada, because we have the slender X and the accelerate drops.

Nick D: Uk, Australia has the day and night drops right? So that's why there's 2 different pages, either one. I'll just show you this. You can put this on your own domain. Name right now. We have it on, Partner Co. Funnels. But you could put it on, you know.

Nick D: Andrew or Cindy whatever you want right here's what it looks like.

Nick D: Boom! Your picture shows up right here. Your name shows up right here. So it's it's co-branded with you.

Nick D: It's a proper like long form sales Page. So you see the drops. Here's how they work. Here's why they work so well. And we've got this for both us and International. Here's the video with Dr. Strand and Diana, and then all kinds of cool results. Let me close up this live chat thing here.

Nick D: But the clinical trial data. So again, there's lots of stuff around slender eyes. That's just sort of thrown all over the place, and I just went and just grabbed it all. Let's put it all in one simple to use. Place a lot of great stories, testimonials, and things like this, you know. If I want to see James and Becky, I just click on it. Boom! Here's their slender eyes journey

Nick D: right? So a lot of things there. Oh, I gotta fix my image

Nick D: how to take the drops. Here's the full product. Pdf, that somebody can get again. It's just all clean, simple. One page, and

Nick D: there we go. There's a slender ice

Nick D: stuff right there. Fa, queues. A lot of people have questions about the drops, etc., etc. So

Nick D: this is this is great. If I try to leave the page, you'll notice

Nick D: a menu pops up that says, Hey, before you go, would you like to save 15? So last week we talked about how to put in your partner co coupon code.

Nick D: and then

Nick D: on your site. When somebody comes here. If they give you their email boom, it sends out the coupon code to them privately, automatically hands off. You don't have to worry about it. But it's a great way for you to capture someone's email. And we thought, you know, a real simple way would just

Nick D: how about if we just give them the 15% off in exchange for their email

Nick D: again, there's mixed feelings here. Some people are in the camp. I want to charge full retail price for the products that's totally up to you. You don't have to use this piece. But I am of the mindset that I would really love to have their email address so that I can follow up with them multiple times. Because typically how many times do you have to follow up with somebody before they make a purchase. I've heard

Nick D: 7 times 10 times 20 times sometimes.

Nick D: so I can't do that. If I have a phone number or email for them. Alright. So that's built in as a really simple way. But we've got a brand new way that Kristen has put together this week that I wanna show you guys. And it looks like this. This is our canva, but it's a

Nick D: a Pdf that we call the fat, burning foods list.

Nick D: And this is not just made up. This is actually when Laura was doing her 3 X program for ladies, this was her most popular email, what we call a lead magnet, so something that somebody would give you in exchange. They give you their email and you give them the thing right? So

Nick D: this fat, burning foods list was the best performing lead magnet that she had. And so we said, Hey, let's take that, and let's allow everybody to use it. So this is what's coming next. For slender eyes is a little opt-in page that you can put on your social media and basically say, Hey, come, get my fat, burning foods list.

Nick D: And this is what it looks like here. If I

Nick D: go to the next page.

Nick D: So we've got it's actually 8 pages here. So

Nick D: vegetables and healthy fats, carbohydrates. What's good? What's bad condiments? What's good? What's bad? Is some fat burning tips, etc., etc.

Nick D: testimonials. Here's Julie, here's Dr. Kristol.

Nick D: And we basically make a soft pitch at the end for the drops. Okay, so same idea, we get their email address. And then we're going to send them an email, follow up sequence to

Nick D: hopefully sell them the drops right? So they they get the the fat, burning food list.

Nick D: We know they're interested in losing weights. And so that gives us the ability to follow up with them. I say us, I mean, you guys right

Nick D: behalf. So what are we going to be sending them? Let me show you that piece here. So this is

Nick D: still in working form right now. But hopefully, this time next week I'll have this live for everybody. This is our Fbfl, so fat burning food list. That's what that stands for opt-in email series. And basically a series of right now, we've got 11 emails that will go out, you know, day after day after day, to just gently follow up and give them some good value, and hopefully encourage them to buy

Nick D: by the drops. Now, when I say, give people some good value, what am I sending out on their behalf? Right? So you know

Nick D: I don't II would. Is it valuable to send somebody, you know? Here's an article about how your pancreas works and how insulin resistance works. Is that valuable?

Nick D: Yes, it's educational. But is that what really people are interested in? And again, our experience from working with Tim and Laura says, some of the best open rates that we've gotten from emails. Or if we send out

Nick D: recipes

Nick D: so sending people. And here's a great recipe. So, for example, email number 5, we've got barbecue beef boom here. Here's a healthy barbecue beef and the slow cooker recipes, fast, delicious.

Nick D: etc. So

Nick D: by sending out some recipes that allows us to, you know, give some value. They come to see your name in the emails. And really, hey, this person's really helpful, this guy, Rick, boy! He's he's he's good. I like his recipe for the barbecue beef, or whatever right

Nick D: looks delicious. And then at the end of every email, we'll put a little Ps. That says, Hey. let me help you get started with the skinny drops right now. So the you know the barbecue, brief is great.

Nick D: Before you have your meal. Take these drops.

Nick D: It's gonna help you in this this this way. Right? So not only that we'll have a little Ps, but then when somebody clicks through to get the recipe that's gonna go on your site in your funnel. Okay.

Nick D: Barbico. A beef. Here's the recipe, and then a little Ps at the bottom. Hey? Before you eat, take these drops. Click here to get them.

Nick D: So it's kind of a soft little pitch over and over again we've got. I think, like, I say, 11 emails in this series. But

Nick D: if we're just gonna be sending out recipes. We've got over 250 recipes in the in the cookbook. Just grab them, throw it on the page. Send that out to them. Right? So I think just a really dynamic way to give people a lot of value. And hopefully, you know, after seeing these drops over and over again. That's gonna drive some some purchases.

Nick D: So wanted to show you guys, that's this is all stuff. That's some of it's live right now. Some of it's in the works between now and next week should do. These emails should be live as well as the fat burning food list with that opt in page. So that's kind of what I'm working on there.

Nick D: Cool?

Nick D: Alright. So

Nick D: that being said, I'll kill my screen share. Let's see if I check the chat here. Okay, let's see, most office says, how do we sign it for I will send out some instructions on that most often. It's not quite ready for primetime yet, but

Nick D: I will probably in the next few days, first of next week. give you guys some some instructions there, what we're gonna do Mustafa. The first step will be anybody who has signed up for the old elite man. Program

Nick D: click funnels or the Threex program on click funnels. We're gonna just take that whole list of everybody and just transfer that into

Nick D: pipeline funnels, which is where partner Co training lives. And so everybody will get an email that says, Hey, we've upgraded our system. Here's your new login and password. Click here, go ahead and get logged in. So Mostafa, I'm pretty sure you're on that list already. So you would be getting an email

Nick D: to get started there

Nick D: and then, once the once the new rep training, the business training is ready, then we'll have that live

as well.

Nick D: So there we go.

Nick D: Questions. You guys have anything. Comments

Nick D: feel free to unmute. There's just a few of us here on the call. So that's that's totally fine.

Cindy Landis: I have a quick question, Nick. how many emails can we send out? II realize there's a in this

Cindy Landis: scenario. You can post it on your Facebook or whatever. But is there a number per like per hour per day, or anything that's going to

Cindy Landis: trigger anything? Is there a

Cindy Landis: I say that because I do have a big a big list, as far as I'm concerned. So

Cindy Landis: you know. Is there a thing about pacing it? And then also a second question to that? Well, you can answer that question. I have a second question, too.

Nick D: Sure. Okay? Great question. First of all, let me just I'm gonna look something up. So I can get you the exact number here.

Nick D: give me just 1, s, i'm looking this up on my other screen here.

Nick D: so there is a.

Nick D: do we have a limit turned on? It's

Nick D: yes. Yes. Okay, so the current limit is 15,000 emails per day.

Cindy Landis: okay.

Nick D: 15,000 is, I think, far more than most. You may. You may have a bigger list, and I know you've got some a large list, but what I will say is, it's not really about the

Nick D: the number per day. That's the limiting factor.

Cindy Landis: because the way the system works is and and transparently so for for

Nick D: phone calls and for text messages. We use a service called twilio.

Nick D: And for emails we use a service called mail gun. These are just standard services that are out there. We've built it into

Nick D: into pipeline funnels. Tim pays the bill for that, and then we just rebuild everybody body. It just goes straight from your account.

Nick D: So that makes things easier on the technical side to to set up and all that kind of stuff.

Nick D: If you're just sending a few emails per day. It's it's easy, right? If you've got a larger list like yours, Cindy, some of the things that we're gonna want to do. Actually, before I get there.

Nick D: The limiting factor. Th, the way the system works is that it will send out a couple of 100 emails to start. And it's gonna just measure their results. Some of the things that it's looking for would be something called a bounce rate.

Nick D: which is okay. If I send it to 200 people. How many of those emails bounced? You know how many were rejected and came back?

Nick D: A really, really common thing that we've seen with

Nick D: multiple leaders on the team is that, hey? I've got this big list of folks that you know. I've maybe I've had an email list for 10 years a couple of people were able to go into, you know, their old back office and download like their entire downline, for example, and then put that into the tool. The problem with that is that a lot of those emails, it turns out.

Nick D: are not good anymore. And so you send out an email and it gets rejected, and it bounces back.

Nick D: Now that we call it the bounce rate, and that is one of the factors, it turns out

Nick D: that gives everybody kind of a black eye.

Nick D: Meaning when we send out emails. Okay? So we've got a mail gun account to to do sending. And

Nick D: all of pipeline funnels is using that account. Right? So it's emails are sent through something called an IP address. And there are third party services that like measure is this, IP address a good guy, or they kind of spammy, you know. So if you imagine, like a like a red light, green, light yellow light scenario, right, we wanna try to keep ourselves in the green light. If we get over into the Red Zone, you know, then they're gonna start, basically preventing everybody from sending out emails

Nick D: right? And this is not a pipeline funnels thing. This is just everybody on the Internet kind of thing. There's a lot more

Nick D: restrictions and and things in place right now to shut down

Nick D: perceived spammers. Okay, so

Nick D: obviously, we're not spammers. But we. We still need to play

Nick D: play the game. Well. So one of those things is the bounce rate.

Nick D: and I have seen.

Nick D: I think one example might be Stefan. You guys know Stefan Page. He had a list. It's his own people like legit people. But he sent out an email, and the bounce rate was like 15 or 20

Nick D: meaning out of 100 people, 15 or 20 bounced. So it was an old list that he had not been keeping up with, you know, mailing regularly that type of thing. And so to just go out of the blue. Just send a big email like that

Nick D: kind of set off some alarm bells. The biggest one was that bounce rate. And so the system throttle them back and basically kind of paused it for for a 24 h period as a protection mechanism that's just built in. It's to protect everybody.

Nick D: So what I would say, Cindy, is, it's not so many that how many emails can I send out per day? But what is the what is the health of the list, and what's the accuracy of the list? And are they used to hearing from you regularly? Or if we, you know what's

Nick D: if we just send them out of the blue? What's the percentage of people that are? Gonna say, who is this, you know? Spam, spam spam that also gets measured, you know. So there's there's things like that.

Nick D: and there's thresholds. So, for example.

Nick D: that bounce rate we were talking about needs to be below 5. So I mentioned Stefan's was like 15 or 20 way too high. Right? So what do we do in that case? So we we have built some things to try and help and keep everybody safe. We now have something called an email validation or email verification. Let me just see.

Nick D: I think I have this on for everybody. But let me just double check here.

Cindy Landis: Yeah. And I did see that

Cindy Landis: in their, the email verification on my end.

Nick D: Yeah. And and it is in there for everybody. So let me just I'm gonna jump into an account real quick and show you guys what this looks like. If I just jump into my own accounts and then I'll share my screen. Give me 1 s.

Nick D: okay.

Nick D: so

Nick D: well, where is it. Sorry I lost my window.

Nick D: there we go.

Nick D: Drag this over and share the screen.

Kind of there we go.

Nick D: Okay, can you guys see my screen now.

Nick D: So I'm just in my own account here. And you can see, here's this lead named Abraham Lincoln. And his email is [email protected].

Nick D: Now by default, I've not sent out an email to to this person, and so it says, not verified. But if I were, gonna send up an eblast, Cindy like, if you've got you know, a a list you want to just send them a campaign.

Nick D: The first thing is it's going to do is if it's not verified, we're gonna send a ping out to that list and say, or excuse me out to that email and say, is this valid or not.

Nick D: I can manually do this right here, as you see. So if I click on verify here, it's gonna test it. And say, you know, this email is marked as invalid. Right? It's tested emailcom, right? It's not a real email.

Nick D: So

Nick D: I think if I refresh this, it's gonna say, a red kind of stop sign right there. Let me go to a different lead here. So here is this is a real lead, Darren, and if I click on, verify him.

Nick D: It says, it does not say invalid. So now, if I just refresh the page here, let's just load this up, and we should get a nice green light next to his name.

Nick D: Give it just a second. There we go. So see how we got the green check mark that's verified. Okay? And if I

Nick D: go back to the other one, it's going to say red not verified. So that's one way that we will help you, Cindy, with a big list

Nick D: to keep that bounce rate down. Because if the email bounces boom, it just doesn't even bother sending the email, it just puts a red light on him, and

Nick D: it's kind of you know that one's done. that is one thing the other thing I would do is send it really, really slowly to start.

Nick D: There is a concept, and I'll come off of screen share here real quick. There's a concept called warming up your list.

Nick D: And what that means is we kind of do, low and slow, just like if you're cooking, you know, if you turn the pan on too hot, it's gonna burn your food so low and slow. I would start with sending maybe a hundred emails a day

Nick D: and

Nick D: 100 emails the next day, and then 150, and then 200 and then 2 50 on up to where you're over the span of a couple of weeks.

Nick D: you're just gradually ramping up what that does? Because the system is measuring all these different numbers like the bounce rate and the spam rate, and the open rate, and the click rate.

Nick D: and based on how the early numbers look. If everything's looking good, it just automatically kind of gives you the thumbs up to go bigger and bigger and bigger.

Nick D: But that's a process that we go through over time and again. This is not a pipeline funnels thing. This is, you know, if you're gonna go get a Mailchimp account, or a Webber account, or any kind of an email account. They all sort of function this way.

Nick D: Anymore. So

Nick D: yeah, it's it's awesome. You have a big list, Cindy. It's just I would say it's it's gonna be a

Nick D: just a gradual process to get to sending to all of them. On a recurring basis.

Cindy Landis: Perfect that help that was helpful. Thank you.

Cindy Landis: And was there a part to? To your question what wasn't to that one? It was actually on on your membership site. Pipeline funnels. Is there? A way that if I have a funnel of my own

Cindy Landis: specific to my team. As you were just talking about that I can connect anyone that joins from my team into pipeline funnels with my particular funnel for our team like a team funnel. So II know what you just referred to with an example of Dr. Crystal or Todd Roland. But

Cindy Landis: you know what I'm talking about is more so in addition to your funnels, more of our our team funnel. Is there a way to share that with my team? I just wasn't sure.

Cindy Landis: So they don't have to rebuild the same one, just like, like, you're sharing all of all the ones that are on there. Now.

Nick D: yeah, yeah, we? We do have a share feature. I mean, it's it's the same mechanism that I use when I saw build something out in a centralized place like the slender eyes funnel, and then I push it out to everybody all at once. Yeah, we do have that mechanism that's that's built in

Nick D: I will say we don't have a lot of leaders.

Nick D: Excuse me using it to date, but it it does excuse me. It does exist. And basically once you've got your funnel built. If it's something you want to clone to other people.

Nick D: just read into support, and we'll we'll do it, for we have to do it on the back end.

Nick D: But it's it's a it's a pretty simple, straightforward process.

Nick D: Another thing that you could do. This gets kind of technical. But some people just keep the funnel on their own system, and then they'll give people like an affiliate code

Nick D: something like that, you know, to send people to with with their code on the end. That would. That would work, too. And that's something as an affiliate code is that bill into the system. I was in click funnels to before. So I know that codes. But is that

Nick D: already built in? Is it on? There it is built in. Yeah, yeah, it's it's I mean, there, there's all kinds of different affiliate softwares out there. Ours is not the most robust. But for what you're talking about it gets the job done. Yeah, just fine

Nick D: and if that's something you wanna explore, we could talk about that offline. Just what's which path is gonna be best for you. Kind of what your goals are.

Cindy Landis: Thanks, Nick. I appreciate it. Sure.

Nick D: awesome everybody. The rest of you guys are so quiet. It's Friday people. any other, any other questions that I can answer for you guys today?

Nick D: Going once, going twice.

Holley Graves: Hi, Nick, will. This recording be up

Holley Graves: soon to from today.

Nick D: Yeah, I try to get it up same day if I can. So I'm we're recording right now. It's gonna just go up to the zoom cloud, and then I'll get that pushed out.

Holley Graves: Okay, thanks.

Nick D: very good, Cindy. I like your cool background. That's nice. Is that a virtual background? Or you actually have, like partner Co letters behind your your head.

Cindy Greenwood: No, this is one of the ones sets on the partner Co app

Cindy Greenwood: you can download it. There's there's, I think, 4 or 5.

Cindy Greenwood: Yeah. So yeah, it says, Oh, run away, partner. Co.

Nick D: beautiful. very good. Awesome, you guys. Well, thanks for hanging out with me, I hope.

Nick D: all this is exciting to you. II get excited about nerding out on on cool new stuff. I think helping people lose weight is is a really valuable thing. I just feel good about it, you know, and you can see the results as well. That's the other big thing is just the before and after is are so dramatic.

Cindy Greenwood: So

Nick D: yeah. we're we're iterating and and innovating on our side. And I know other leaders like II keep mentioning Dr. Crystal's name, but you know Coach Palmer and and Todd, Roland and a lot of others are

Nick D: trying different things. And let's see what works. And

Nick D: you know, keep, keep what sticks and get rid of the rest. And and that helps everybody improve.

Nick D: So there we are guys awesome. Well, appreciate you all, and I would say.

Nick D: I will see you next week for funnel Fridays.

Holley Graves: Thanks, Nick.

Nick D: Alright bye, everybody have a great week.

Holley Graves: Bye, bye.

Melissa Jackson: thank you. Thank you. Thanks, Nick. Cheers.

Back to Blog

Episode #42


This week, Nick gives us a demo of the new Slenderiiz drops page you can use to educate your prospects about the drops AND collect email addresses from prospecs.

Episode #41


This week is on lead generation and advertising… plus cool updates to our PartnerCo integration you’re going to want to know about!

(Lead gen section starts at 42:27)

Episode #40


Lots of updates this week! We've got a new Help Center with all our support docs, a news feed from our developers, TikTok integration, PartnerCo integration and more!

Episode #39


This week, our buddy Craig gives us a demo of how he's using physical greeting cards and "lumpy mail" to enhance his prospecting and business relationships.

Episode #38


How do you recruit professionals into your business? This week, I'm interviewing two -- an insurance broker and a real estate / mortgage pro to get some insider secrets!

Episode #37


This week, we revisit the Puritii Water Bottle funnel and talk about some new updates, including an international version for Canada, UK, and AU. Plus, open office hours.

Episode #36


BIG NEWS -- Now you can see all your PartnerCo orders inside Pipeline Funnels! Here's a sneak peek of our new integration, coming in May 2023. This is a game changer for all brand partners.

Episode #35


It's been an exciting week for the RENEW System of Growth! New tools released... plus we recap the new PartnerCo integration coming to your account in the next couple of weeks.

Episode #34


Call it the luck of the Irish, but we've got a brand new integration with to show you! This is huge! Plus, today we're talking about how to setup a blog. ☘️

Episode #33


What's the best way to approach your WARM MARKET? After you've loaded your contacts into Pipeline Funnels, what is the next step? Today we're talking about the Inviting Formula from Tim Sales.

Episode #32


We've got a whole new PartnerCo business funnel ready for you! Here's how it works, and how to set it up! (Note: this is a 2-part video. The link for Part 2 is in the video description under Part 1.)

Episode #31


Today we're talking about how to make better marketing campaigns, and we've arrived at a concept even more important than your headline. That is... your authenticity and authority (and how to develop that.)

Episode #30


Today, we go through an interesting funnel from a totally different company, breaking down how it works and seeing what ideas and inspiration we can glean. PLUS, how to organize your leads and send broadcast emails and texts.

Episode #29


Today, we're talking about the Live Chat widget you can add to your funnels to generate leads (and why I love it). PLUS, we're also exploring some exciting new lead generation strategies for cold market!

Episode #28


This week we've got folks already working toward the "Catalyst Club," and so we're talking about using Tim's "Performance Tracker" document to make a plan to focus on income-generating activities to get there.

Episode #27


Today we're talking about personal branding and what makes you unique in the marketplace. Are you in network marketing? Or are you an independent entrepreneur who's partnered with a NWM company?

Episode #26


This week, we're breaking down various scenarios where you might be talking with a prospect (warm and cold market) about Renew... and what to send them in each situation.

Episode #25


We've been hard at work behind the scenes to create a proper Sales Page for Renew that you can use for both warm and cold market leads. Here's a demo (and how to use it).

Episode #24


Now that you've got your Renew System of Growth PRO funnel set up, it's time to talk about how to promote it to your prospects. And I think stories are the single best way.

Episode #23


We've got new members and brand partners on board, so today we're giving an overview of the Renew System of Growth PRO funnel.

Episode #22


This week, we've got more updates and improvements to the RENEW System of Growth PRO to encourage early sales. (thank you page and age/gender testimonials)

Episode #21


This week, we've got some helpful updates and improvements to the RENEW System of Growth PRO to share with you. (pagination and improvements to the custom report)

Episode #20


Today is all about how to take the RENEW System of Growth to the next level! (warm/cold market, credibility, staying organized, and follow up automatically)

Episode #19


Today, Nick goes over how to create a marketing campaign to promote Renew (using your new funnel)!

Episode #18


I'm excited to announce the Renew funnel is ready for beta testing! Check out the health assessment quiz and report, plus you can now process orders on your site!

Episode #17


In this episode, we're giving you a sneak peek at the new Renew funnel coming soon. You're going to want to see this!

Episode #16


In this episode we show you how to setup the new business prospecting funnel for NewAge that we talked about last week.

Episode #15


Today, we're talking about strategy. Specifically, the strategy of using a 2-step funnel to build your business with. We're discussing what's working best right now, and introducing some ideas to improve.

Episode #14


Today, we're talking about using surveys to generate leads (and personalize your lead's experience along the way). We also recap your pipeline stats and finish with a real world scenario - using surveys to "update my Rolodex."

Episode #13


In this episode we’re talking about how to use a List Reactivation campaign… and how you can use the automation tools in PF to quickly find people on your list who are still interested in your business/products.

Episode #12


In this episode, we talked about the strategy side of building funnels... it's so much more than just a website! Two examples: how best to use the corporate videos, and how to build a Renew funnel.

Episode #11


In this episode, we dive into the psychology behind the Elite Man funnel and how to use it to get both long-term customers and dedicated reps to your team.

Episode #10


In this episode, we talk about the magic of the "LinkTree" page that comes with your Pipeline Funnels account -- how to set it up and use it the right way.

Episode #9


In this episode, we dive into the psychology behind the "Side Hustle Millionaire" funnel, and how you can use it to posture yourself as a professional.

Episode #8


In this "Good Friday" episode, we talk about 3 challenges network marketers face when starting their business, and how Pipeline Funnels solves them all.

Episode #7


In this episode, we talk about how to use the Power Dialer, then get into how to create campaigns to run traffic to your funnels (weight loss example).

Episode #6


In this episode, we talk about your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) with Pipeline Funnels and the specific actions you should be doing each day.

Episode #5


In this episode, we dive deep into the best ways to use the Pipeline to work your leads in a way that works for you, plus some cool customizations.

Episode #4


In this episode, we talk about how to use the NewAge SHOP LIVE videos together with Pipeline Funnels to reengage old leads and grow your business.

Episode #3


In this episode, we talk about the best ways to use Brent Palmer's THE PLAY video inside of a sales funnel to introduce people to your business faster than ever before.

Episode #2


In this episode we talk about how to import your leads into Pipeline Funnels and organize them with tags and smart lists, then send them an email or text, all at once.

Episode #1


In our first episode of Funnel Fridays, we talk about all the cool new stuff inside Pipeline Funnels, including the Puritii Water Bottle funnel, live chat support, your Q&A and much more!

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